Hyperpigmentation is a very common discoloration of skin patches which can naturally occur as we age. Often, a spot will appear, and it can range in size from a dime to large patch of skin, which is darker than your surrounding skin. They are normally relatively harmless and is common. So if you have Hyperpigmentation do not panic. how to get rid of Hyperpigmentation is a simple task.
This darkening of skin often occurs with an excess amount of melanin. Melanin is the brown pigment that produces your skin color. Hyperpigmentation can affect any person regardless of age, race, or gender. The release of Melanin in excess amounts is largely natural as well as our body produces more as we age and most of our environments act to excel production.
Hyperpigmentation spots are normally called Age Spots.
How to get rid of Hyperpigmentation?
Prevention is the best solution to handle this ailment. For this, lets start with the most common recipient of Hyperpigmentation, women. During hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, a woman’s body produces more melanin. You really cannot stop this process. But, birth control which is based on controlling hormones can produce these spots. By getting off of birth control, you will stunt or prevent the growth of such spots.
Your environment also has an effect. This is primarily in the form of damage from the sun. Sun burn is an accelerate for these spots. So go heavy on sun screen if cancer risks already did not scare you into this. This is the leading cause of these spots. Some other causes are less out of your control.
These causes would be genetically inclined. Acne and Acne scars can cause Hyperpigmentation to occur. This means if you have some pimples, treat them before moving onto your spots. This will prevent new spots from forming. Freckles also can cause Hyperpigmentation. Not much you can do about this, but monitor them to ensure they do not appear to be a growth.
If all is said and done and you still have these spots, you can move on to topical solutions and surgery. Topical solutions are skin lightening creams. Hydroquinone Cream is the leading cream to lighten skin. You need to use a measured amount and do not go over board as you cannot reverse the effects. Hydroquinone Cream is often call bleaching cream and do have stronger counter parts you get from a doctor. Cortisone Cream can be effective as can Tretinoin Cream. In stronger dosage, all of these creams require a trip to your doctor. They also take several months to become effective and can be irritating to sensitive skin.
If you are really persistent and need to figure out how to get rid of Hyperpigmentation fast, your final option is surgery. Laser removal is becoming more and more popular. Visit a doctor to get a referral to a surgeon. Often, this procedure is painless, quick, and has no recovery time. Although this should be a last resort, it is an option.
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How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation
Saturday, October 1, 2016
How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation
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