Every day we use different products but we are not aware about their properties. One of these products has so many different beneficial effects that it is hard to believe in all of them. Sodium bicarbonate is the main ingredient in baking soda and is quite praised these days, especially because it is able to improve the kidney function.
Royal Hospital in London conveyed a study in 2009 which showed that baking soda slows down the kidney disease. Research was also conveyed by US National Health Institute which also showed that kidney dialysis using soda bicarbonate is more effective than the regular one. It sounds unbelievable but baking soda can save your life.
What causes kidney damage?
In order to understand how soda bicarbonate helps with kidney diseases it is crucial to understand what causes kidney damage. The food digestion is helped by the endocrine system which produces enzymes and hormones. The pancreas secretes sodium bicarbonate in order to protect the kidneys.
Depending on your diet, kidneys can also produce it. If you consume unhealthy food it can overload the kidneys and they will have decreased sodium bicarbonate production.
If the body lacks sodium bicarbonate, it cannot neutralize the acids and they will damage the kidneys and thus the aging process will speed up.
How does bicarbonate repair kidneys?
Sodium bicarbonate is usually used when patients who suffer from kidney disease go on dialysis. The basis of all sorts of dialysis is acid buffering. The buffering agent helps in removing excess waste and fluids from the blood stream.
Dialysis is an artificial process which helps in retaining proper sodium bicarbonate level in the organism as the endocrine system is not able to produce it. When proper sodium bicarbonate level is obtained the kidneys’ and overall endocrine system’s health are preserved.
What evidence provides substantial proof of this claim?
The US National Health Institute first noted the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate over normal, acetate-free dialysis. Patients on sodium bicarbonate treatment had a higher nitrate oxide synthase – process which balances the pH levels in the blood. On the other hand they had a lower reaction when were on acetate-free dialysis treatment than when on sodium bicarbonate treatment while activating wall cells to synthesis \ release of pro inflammatory or pro-apoptotic mediators.
The studies also confirmed that the sodium bicarbonate slows down the progression of chronic kidney disease and in this way it helps the patients to stop going on kidney dialysis again.
The study also showed that patients who used small dosage of soda bicarbonate every day throughout the year, had 2/3 of kidney function reduced compared to patients who were on common treatment. This means that sodium bicarbonate can stop or even help with chronic kidney failure and stop heart and renal diseases.
How to use baking soda for repairing kidneys naturally?
Not every person can consume baking soda every day. It is usually consumed mixed with water and sometimes people with sensitive stomach cannot drink it. But it is not toxic and if you can, consume it every day to prevent kidney disease.
You can start with a half a teaspoon of SB on the first day. Then take a half teaspoon of SB and half a teaspoon of sodium chloride (cooking salt) dissolved in 1.5 liters of water for 3-4 days. After 4 days, reduce the intake to a quarter tablespoon of soda and salt.
Some additional tests still need to be done to confirm all the properties of SB. Nevertheless, those people who can tolerate its taste and want to repair kidney damage due to unhealthy diet, baking soda is the best option.
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How To Repair Your Kidneys Naturally Using Baking Soda
Thursday, July 21, 2016
How To Repair Your Kidneys Naturally Using Baking Soda
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