Excessive underarm sweating and odour is a common cosmetic issue that’s not only embarrassing, but also quite persistent, mostly because it takes a lot of time and effort to deal with. If you want to avoid using chemical-laden personal care products and treat this condition naturally, we offer several natural treatments that can efficiently eliminate this aesthetic concern.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
In a spray bottle mix a little water, ACV, and some lemon juice. Spray this solution under your arms before getting dressed in the morning. Don’t hesitate to carry the bottle at work in case you need to reapply it. This spray is extremely efficient in eliminating the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant odour.
Due to its ability to balance the pH level of the skin, this citrus fruit can be very helpful when it comes to eliminating underarm odour. Simply put a lemon slice on your armpit, let it act for fifteen minutes, and go fresh for the day. Lemon can also be used for removing household odours.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This substance has a number of uses and one of them is eliminating underarm odour. Simply mix hydrogen peroxide with water or natural rose water, and you get a healthy and natural way of eliminating the unwanted smell under your arms.
Baking Soda
This shouldn’t come as a surprise because baking soda is commonly used for eliminating odours in the fridge or the laundry. It’s equally successful in treating underarm odours as well. This is a completely natural way of addressing this cosmetic issue. After you mix a little baking soda and a little corn starch, apply this mixture on your armpit so as to keep your skin dry and fresh all day. Use it as often as you need or before you get dressed.
Stop Shaving
Although it may seem unappealing, body hair plays an important role for your body because it absorbs the moisture which makes good grounds for bacteria proliferation and underarm odour. Shaving your underarm hair creates a number of issues like skin irritation, because the razor makes way for bacteria to thrive. Depilatory creams, shaving creams and other lotions, which also irritate the skin, give pretty much the same effect as razors.
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Say Goodbye To Underarm Odor With These 5 Effective Home Remedies!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Say Goodbye To Underarm Odor With These 5 Effective Home Remedies!
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