Friday, February 19, 2016

Parsley tea – Remedy for Urinary Infections, Kidney Stones, Ovarian Cancer, Anemia

Parsley tea has been used throughout history and on the recommendation of herbalists to facilitate and maintain a regular menstrual cycle and as a remedy to restore the uterus to its original position after childbirth. Parsley tea can be used in the treatment of all diseases associated with the kidneys. Parsley tea prevents absorption of salt in the tissues, thereby protecting the kidney and liver in performing their cleaning.

  • This tea should be drunk in case of infection of the bladder, and the occurrence of kidney stones.
  • Parsley tea is used in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer in men and women, and the cervix in women.
  • Parsley is rich in folic acid which is essential for cardiovascular health.

The parsley is very rich in vitamins A, C, E and minerals, and with its regular use helps to reduce bad LDL cholesterol. If you suffer from high blood pressure you can also use parsley for its reduction.

  • Parsley tea can be used for calming the gut, improving digestion and removal of gases.
  • Parsley is rich in iron, and its use is recommended in case of anemia.

One very simple purpose is the prevention of bad breath. If you chew only few parsley leaves bad breath will be neutralized immediately. This especially applies to the moments when you eat onions or garlic, and want to neutralize the smell.

Parsley can succeed anywhere, and can easily be grown even in a pot in your home, so you can always have fresh on hand. Even in winter you can buy seed and plant it in a deeper pot and the plant will grow in a few weeks on a illuminated place.

Parsley tea is made as follows:

Two tablespoons fresh or dried parsley placed in boiling water. Parsley should stand 5-10 minutes, and then remove it completely. After cooling it add a few drops of lemon juice in the tea and a tablespoon of honey if you like honey.

You can drink the tea whenever you want, and with the already mentioned symptoms should be consumed twice a day. The tea made ​​from parsley will cause increased urination, so it is not recommended before sleep.

Pregnant women should not drink parsley tea, because of possible adverse hormonal effects.

Parsley can be used for reducing anxiety and calming the nerves. You need to take the root and leaves of this plant, to chop it and mix it with acacia honey. The mixture should stay 7 days, and then take one tablespoon at night before bedtime.

Parsley tea – Remedy for Urinary Infections, Kidney Stones, Ovarian Cancer, Anemia Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: pull email