Bananas are rich in vitamin A, B and E and hence works as an anti-aging agent. Opt for a facial using a freshly mashed banana mixed with honey to get glowing skin. It is a rich source of fiber, minerals, magnesium and potassium; they help in proper blood circulation in our body and build immunity from within.They are a great substitute for unhealthy snacking in between meals.
It has high Vitamin C content and natural bleaching properties making it a good cleanser that lightens blemishes, acne scars, spots and skin tone. Start your day by drinking 1 glass of warm
water mixed with a dash of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach. This fights cellulite and clears your skin from within. A mixture of lemon juice and honey reduces blemishes and acquire glowing skin.
Oranges are rich source of Vitamin C, thereby improves skin texture. It removes blemishes and naturally slows down the process of ageing. Dry orange peels, crush them into powder form and store this in an airtight container. Use this as a natural scrub once or twice weekly for clear and glowing skin.
Apples have high antioxidant action, preventing cell and tissue damage and works as an anti-ageing agent. It helps minimize wrinkles and fine lines keeping the bowels clean. Apply apple
juice mixed with some honey on your face; let it dry and wash off. This is a very good hydrating face mask.
A rich source of antioxidants and an enzyme called papain, papaya can banish skin impurities and remove dead skin cells when used on the skin.
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Fruits For Glowing Skin
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Fruits For Glowing Skin
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