Surely you are well aware that eggs are an indispensable source of protein and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
But despite being healthy, nutritious and can be prepared in many different ways, eggs are a great friend of your skin and your pet, and you can use eggs in the household. It is not only the egg white and yolk we are talking about, but the whole egg with its 7 magic uses.
1. Yolk for dry skin
Mix one egg yolk and apply it on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Egg yolk will hydrate your skin and make it softer.
2. Egg white for oily skin
Add half a tablespoon of honey in an egg white, mix well and apply the mixture on your face. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
3. Egg white used as glue
Besides giving great finish to cookies, the egg white can be used as glue for paper, cardboard and fabric.
4. Eggshells as a cleaning product
Eggshell will help you thoroughly clean stubborn dirt and grease from your dishes. Mix crushed eggshell with a few drops of detergent containers and rub well the pan, the skillet or the oven.
5. Eggshell as supplement to dog food
Egg shells are a rich source of calcium and therefore you do not need to throw them away if you have a dog. Ground eggshells into powder and mix them with the food you give your dog. Eggshells are great for the health of the bones and teeth of your fur buddy.
6. Eggs for skin irritation
Dip fresh eggs into a cup of apple juice. Leave the eggs soaked for two or three days, then use the liquid to treat sore or irritated skin areas. It is an excellent protection against mosquito bites.
7. Food for your plants
Do not throw away the water in which you have boiled eggs. It is great food for the plants you keep in your home, so let it cool and water your flowers.
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7 Magic Uses Of Eggs
Monday, March 21, 2016
7 Magic Uses Of Eggs
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