Did you know your feet can reveal almost anything you want to know about your overall health?
In fact, there is an entire therapy based on this premise called reflexology.
Poor feet health can be a signal that other, bigger health problems may be looming.
So next time you kick off your shoes, take a look at your feet-they are likely telling you a lot more than you bargained for.
1. Cold Feet
Consistently cold feet can be an indication of a thyroid issue. Since the thyroid gland regulates temperature and metabolism, large variances in temperatures can be a sign that your thyroid is underactive. Chronic cold feet can also be a sign of poor circulation.
2. Numb or Tingling Feet
We’ve all experienced what it’s like to have our feet “fall asleep” at some point in our lives, but when they’re chronically numb, it can be a symptom of damage to your peripheral nervous system-peripheral neuropathy.
This is something you should get checked immediately as chronic numbness can be serious and caused by several things including diabetes and alcohol abuse.
3. Red, White or Blue Toes and/or Feet
While these colors may be suitable for flags or tablecloths, when it comes to your feet, the red, white and blue are not a good thing-it can indicate Raynaud’s disease (a rare disorder of the blood vessels, usually in the fingers and toes.)
If you do see a variance in your feet and toes, contact your physician to make sure there isn’t anything serious.
4. Cramping
The odd foot cramp is nothing serious. But if you find your feet cramping regularly there may be several reasons, such as being dehydrated or you have been working out too hard.
Cramping feet may also be an indication of a deficiency in potassium, calcium, or magnesium. If that is the case, you can try stretching your feet before going to bed and adding more calcium and magnesium rich foods to your diet.
You can also add more potassium by eating more bananas. If the situation doesn’t improve, you should consult a physician.
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What Your Feet Can Reveal About Your Blood Pressure, Thyroid And Arthritis Risk!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
What Your Feet Can Reveal About Your Blood Pressure, Thyroid And Arthritis Risk!
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