Although everyone knows of their nutritional value, not many know that Chia seeds were also used as a currency because of their value. These seeds have been around for over thousands of years.
The Chia seeds (Latin: Salvia hispanica) are abundant in omega fatty acids, proteins, antioxidants and diet fibers. They have the mild aroma of a walnut and owing to their ability to absorb liquids, they’re excellent for hydration. Plus, they make you feel full longer.
These seeds were highly valued by the Mayas and the Incas. In fact, “Chia” is a Mayan word which means “strength”. Chia seeds really boost your strength because they pack a number of nutrients.
Chia seeds are abounding in healthy essential fatty acid; in fact there are eight times more omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds than in salmon.
In addition, Chia seeds have omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants and proteins, all of which are essential for overall health. Only one gram of Chia seeds contains four times more antioxidants than fresh blueberries.
Numerous studies have confirmed that owing to the high content of proteins (20%), the consumption of Chia seeds also has a positive impact on your hair and nail quality.
In addition, Chia seeds pack some of the most easily digestible herbal proteins. They are a rich source of diet fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Chia seeds are extremely beneficial for skin rejuvenation. They stimulate fat burning, strengthen your organism and have a positive effect on your digestive tract.
According to nutritionists, Chia seeds are the best food to consume if you feel weak and tired, due to the fact that they stimulate your muscle function and release energy in your body. That’s why they’re often used by sports people. Moreover, chia seeds pack 37% of nutritional fibers, which promotes proper function of your intestines.
A diet incorporating these seeds is highly efficient in the treatment of colon cancer, as well as in cancer prevention.
Chia seeds reduce your appetite, improve your metabolism and stimulate the production of glycogen, which is essential for fat burning.
There are a number of ways to include these seeds into your meals.
For one thing, you can add them into your salad to increase your protein intake. Also, you can add them into grains like brown rice, quinoa, amaranth or millet or at the end of cooking. Plus, you can use them in soups, meat balls or as a mixture for frying chicken and fish – instead of bread crumbs.
For dessert, you can make chia seeds pudding.
Alternatively, mix these seeds with coconut or almond milk and add some of these ingredients: dry coconut, blueberries, walnuts, raspberries, grinded almonds, cocoa, grated apples, grinded pistachios, rose hip or cranberries.
Regardless of how you consume chia seeds, they will greatly benefit your health.
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“MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
Friday, July 15, 2016
“MAGICAL SEEDS” That Cure Colon Cancer! They Do Wonders Inside Our Organism!
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