Wednesday, July 27, 2016

4 Amazing Kidney Detox Recipes

The kidneys are our organs that filter out toxins and waste 24/7 from the bloodstream. Because toxins can affect your entire body. Cleansing the kidneys is a simple process and most cleanses don’t require an exhaustive supply of tools or ingredients to work.

There are many types of kidney cleanses, but the common factor that is running through all of them is the drinking of copious amounts of water and fruit juices; and avoiding coffee, chocolate and excessive protein.

Functions of the Kidney in human

  • Elimination of metabolic wastes
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Erythrocyte production
  • Vitamin D activation
  • Prostaglandin synthesis
  • Acid – Base balance
  • Fluid balance
  • Electrolyte balance

How will you know if your kidneys need to detox?

Some of the following symptoms are the most commonly felt when the kidneys become sluggish and in need of cleansing:

  • Feeling fatigued or more tired than usual.
  • Feel pain in your kidneys after eating certain foods (or processed “phoods”).
  • Experiencing skin problems like eczema, acne or rashes.
  • You have a hormonal imbalance or feel extra moody.
  • You’ve had kidney stones in the past.
  • Experiencing weight gain and bloating.
  • You have frequent or infrequent bladder problems or UTI’s.

The recipes below naturally stimulate the detox process in your kidneys, eliminating toxins and any stones you may have.

Kale Kidney Knockout Juice

  • 1 Handful of organic kale
  • ½ Cup of fresh, organic parsley
  • 1 Inch piece of fresh, organic ginger root
  • ½ Organic lemon, seeds removed
  • ½ Organic green apple, seeds removed

Carrot Kidney Detox

Beets are terrific for flushing toxins and helping the body regenerate red blood cells. The carrots and cucumbers flush uric acid from the body, which helps to prevent kidney stones. Add these ingredients to your juicer and drink daily.

  • 3 Medium, organic carrots
  • 1 Medium, organic cucumber
  • ½ Organic, non-GMO beet

Dandelion Kidney Cleansing Juice

Dandelion is a well-known blood purifier and is often used in detox programs.

  • 3 Organic dandelion leaves
  • ½ Organic green apple, seeds removed
  • 2 Organic celery stalks
  • ½ Organic lemon, seeds removed
  • 1 Large organic broccoli stalk

Radish Kidney Detox

  • 1 cup Radish
  • 1 cup Purple Cabbage
  • 1 rib Celery

Instructions: Wash and run all ingredients through a juicer.

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