Aren’t chocolates the ultimate stress busters for most of us? Well, what if I tell you they are a source of some vital food to your brain too!
A recent study says that chocolates are the ultimate food for the brain. In fact, chocolates are such good things to your brain that they help enhance your brain functions with age; more than some yoga or aerobics would.
However, to make this work, you will have to eat a lot of it, like literally! Not something so huge an amount as three or four chocolate bars, but 1 kg of chocolate is what I am talking about. You could eat up cocoa powder (pure one, which is unrefined), or candy bars such as Twix would also do (44 pounds of chocolate candy it will be), as put forth by Oxford University Press, which counts for like too much of sugar.
In a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the scientists used to give a little of flavanols that was extracted from cocoa powder to a group of people aged 50-69 everyday. These people were healthy and fine.
Of the group of people, half were given flavanol in small amounts while the other half were given a larger dose for a continuous three months.
As a result of the report, half the people who were given higher doses were found to have a better memory function score compared to the ones served with low doses.
However, these same people seem to gain nothing out of exercise despite there being so much of articles on how much exercising keeps both health and brains fine.
Whatever it is, you can surely go ahead with this study, and give it a try! If nothing, you will get your favorite candies and chocolates at least!
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Chocolate Is Better For Your Brain Than Exercise
Friday, May 27, 2016
Chocolate Is Better For Your Brain Than Exercise
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