Untreated infections of the urinary tract of men and women improve the quantity and quality of the sperm and regulate the level of cholesterol in blood.
Make this miraculous oil that prevents and helps in the treatment of many diseases.
This phenomenal oil is rich in vitamins A, E, C and K. Fresh oil contains more than 60% unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the health of the body.
It also contains vitamins of the B group, unsaturated fatty acids – omega 6 and 9, minerals (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium) and trace elements (iron, zinc, manganese). Contains lecithin, protein and salicylic acid.
It is about pumpkin oil, and when you find out what are the benefits from eating it, you would consume it every day.
The treatment with the Pumpkin oil gives the best results in the following health problems:
– Regulates problem with enlarged prostate
– Treats Infections of the urinary tract in men and women
– Improves the quantity and quality of the sperm
– Regulates cholesterol levels in the blood
– Helps in cardiovascular diseases
– Helps irritable bowel syndrome, as well as intestinal parasites
– Improves kidney function
– Improves the immune system
– Positively affects the eyesight
– Positively affects mood
– Reduces sunburn and various types of skin diseases
– Positively affects the tan
– Affects the health of the hair and prevents hair loss
Here’s how to make your own pumpkin oil:
You need pumpkin seeds. Arrange them in a baking tray from oven, so that they are not over one another. Then bake in the previously heated oven to 60 degrees for three to four minutes.
Then remove the seeds and place them in the press to squeeze oil from them. If you do not press with high pressure, you can drain and manually, but less efficient, using a mortar and pestle, but in this case, the oil needs to trickle through gauze. If you use seeds from another type of pumpkin, you need to peel before juicing.
The oil needs to be kept in a glass bottle with a dark green color, burgundy or if you use seeds from another type of pumpkin.
HOW to use oil pumpkins for therapeutic purposes?
The oil should be consumed three months: two tablespoons twice a day (morning and evening and breakfast with dinner).
It is important not to interrupt that therapy during the first few weeks when the unpleasant symptoms associated with urination will disappear, but the treatment should be continued for at least six consecutive weeks.
The termination of the unpleasant symptoms will occur in the first few days or weeks (depending on the body) as pumpkin oil has antibacterial properties, and successfully prevents inflammation, but it does not mean that the process with the enlarged prostate is stopped.
The treatment of the prostate requires a long period to allow the active ingredient of this oil, delta-7 sterol to suppress the hormone dihydrotestosterone’s overproduction which actually creates a problem.
Note: If you suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia, preferably before the start of this therapy you should consult with your doctor.
Use of pumpkin oil in preventive purposes
Take two tablespoons a day, one with breakfast and the second with dinner. The pumpkin oil should be stored in a dark and cool place in tightly closed glass bottle or jar. After opening the bottle, it is best to refrigerate.
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How To Use Pumpkin Seed Oil In Therapeutic Purposes?
Friday, April 15, 2016
How To Use Pumpkin Seed Oil In Therapeutic Purposes?
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