Heart attacks are the type of condition that comes without an announcement, so many people get struck with it when they are alone and have to struggle without any help. If you suddenly feel that you are about to faint and that your heart beats “wrong”, you have just approximately 10 seconds before you lose your consciousness.
But people actually do not know that they can help themselves. To achieve this, the most important thing is not to lose the consciousness – start coughing, as hard as you can and not to panic.
Take a deep breath every time before you cough. Cough long and deeply enough, as if you were trying to get rid of something from your lungs.
Cough and breathe every 2 seconds, without taking breaks, until the doctors can reach you, or until your heart beats return to normal.
Coughing is a sort of compression,and deep breaths allow the oxygen to enter in your lungs.
This helps your blood flow and heart to function normally. This kind of pressure helps your heart balance its rhythm. This is the perfect way to avoid any further damage, at least until the doctor comes. So share this knowledge with as many people as you can, as you might save someone’s life.
Cardiologists guarantee that at least one life can be saved,if only one person shares this information with 10 people.
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How to Survive a Heart Attack When You Are Alone
Monday, April 4, 2016
How to Survive a Heart Attack When You Are Alone
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