The awkward situation, which is part of many people’s lives, is cold. Fortunately with alternative methods we can activate the power of the body to deal with the disease before it grows into something more serious than a cold.
For this purpose, try the proven massage on the following points on the face:
Point 1: It is located exactly between the eyebrows. Press and hold for a minute.
Point 2: These points are located in the temples or 2 cm from the outer end of the eyebrows. You have to press simultaneously.
Point 3: Two points symmetrically located at the base of the nose near the inner corner of the eye. Massage them simultaneously.
Point 4: Symmetrically arranged points about half a centimeter side of the nostrils.
It is necessary to push the points with the top of the fingers for about 1 minute. Press strong, but not too strong to feel pain. It doesn’t matter in which direction you do the movements with your fingers. The goal is to have pressure applied on the point. The main purpose is to cause a rush of blood to the given point.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Get Rid of Flu and Cold in Only 5 Minutes
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