Women who consumed tea during a longer period of time and practiced this habit every day -- had a cup of tea regularly -- can enjoy significant medical benefits because of this healthy habit.Scientists have discovered that black tea is a healthy drink that reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer.
Researchers from “Curtin University” in Perth (Australia) observed thousand women at the age of 59 in average, divided into two groups: half of the women surveyed were diagnosed with ovarian cancer, while the remaining 500 were healthy women (control group).
Black Tea Reduces Ovarian Cancer Risk
Researchers thoroughly questioned women about their habit of drinking tea: how often and which kind of tea do they drink and when have they introduced this habit in their lives.
The results of this study showed that healthy women consumed tea in a longer period of time and practiced this habit each day i.e. regularly drank tea compared to women with cancer. In fact, healthy women started drinking tea regularly early in their childhood.
Even 79 % of the total number of healthy women examined drank tea regularly, compared to 51 % of the surveyed women with ovarian cancer.
The researchers pointed out that black tea contains powerful flavonoids, components that help us fight diseases.They believe that the healing and protective role of black tea comes due to these potent antioxidants found in black tea.
“Tea is safe and inexpensive drink. You should practise the habit of drinking tea because of its potential benefits in preventing this common and deadly disease in women,” said Dr. Andy Lee -- the leader of the study.
If the taste of black tea is too strong, you can freely add some milk. Studies conducted previously have shown that milk does not reduce the beneficial effect of black tea.
Ovarian cancer is the third most frequent type of cancer among malignant tumors of female genitals, after cervix and endometrium (uterus body) cancer.
Ovarian cancer is primarily a disease of premenopausal and postmenopausal women. The average age of patients with ovarian cancer is 50-65 years.
Less than 10 % of patients with ovarian cancer are younger than 40 years. The incidence of ovarian cancer increases rapidly after the age of 40.
Ovarian cancer is a disease that terrifies women. It is enough to see the statistics about the increasing number of ovarian cancer cases and the fear is even worse. In addition to this, the fear grows even bigger because of the fact that, until recently, it was believed that ovarian cancer does not have any early symptoms.
However, it is a malignant disease that can be treated and cured if detected early, i.e. in the initial stage of the disease.
Early symptoms are not specific and are often similar to other diseases and health conditions in the body. Therefore, if you do not ignore early signs and symptoms, doctors can detect ovarian cancer in its early stage.
There are more than 20 symptoms associated with ovarian cancer in its early stage including: fatigue, back pain, constipation, frequent and urgent urination and many others. These symptoms are so common and obscure, so women and doctors often overlook or consider them as unimportant.
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Black Tea – Healthy Drink That Reduces The Risk Of Ovarian Cancer
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Black Tea – Healthy Drink That Reduces The Risk Of Ovarian Cancer
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