If we consider the fact that the cancer is one of the deadliest diseases, the scientists are constantly looking to find a cure and finally end this nightmare. With this amazing herb you can kill up to 98% of cancer cells in just 16 hours.
By the way, a research published in the “Life Science”, stated that the artemisinin, “Artemisia Annua” or a “Sweet wormwood” derivative, has been used in the Chinese medicine for a long period of time and is effective in killing 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours.
If you are using only the “Artemisia Annua” it will reduce lung cancer cells up to 28%, but if you combine it with iron, the “Artemisia Annua” will completely and effectively “delete” cancer, and the experiment showed that this herb doesn’t affect the healthy lung cells.
In the past, the Artemisinin has been used as a powerful remedy for treating malaria, but now there is scientific proof that this cure is also very effective in the fight against cancer.
When scientits, while conducting a study added iron with Artemisinin, and later attached it to the lung tissue, especiallythe tissue that has been infected with cancer, the artemisinine selectively attacked “bad” cells, while leaving the “good” cells untouched.
“In general, the results show that artemisinin intervenes in destruction of the lung cancer cells and stops the ‘E2F1′ transcription factor, meaning that it presents a transcription way according to which artemisinin takes under controlthe reproductive cancer cell growth”, was stated in the epilogue of the researches that have been conducted in the cancer laboratory at the University of California.
The iron is effective in the way that it deposits in the cancer cells with its special receptors which help in the cell division. These receptors can be found on normal cells also, but cancer cells can be easily targeted by the iron and artemisinin combination.
There are many experiments conducted until today and they all prove that when combined with iron, artemisinin effectively destroys cancer, and this extract has been used in China for thousands of years, as anantimalaria cure.
In the presence of artemisinine the malaria parasite can not survive, because it is rich in iron, and we know this today thanks to the bio-engineers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh from the University of Washington who were the first scientists to discover this.
They proved in their research that cancer cells undergo aself-destruction or an apoptosis, and until this moment it has been very difficult to find the extract for more affordable prices, but people are showing more and more interest in this herb, so the prices are expected togodown.
“Sanofi”, the French medicine producer,announced that a production of 50 to 60 tons of artemisinin is expected every year, hoping that it will satisfy the world market needs.
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This Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours
Thursday, February 25, 2016
This Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours
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