We bring you a list of foods that regulate the blood sugar levels.
The greatest amount of energy our body gets from glucose. The normal blood glucose level is 3.9 to 6.1 mmol / L (millimoles per liter). There may be occasional fluctuations in blood sugar, and if they are chronic it can be reflected in many diseases, one of which is diabetes.
We bring you a list of foods that regulate blood sugar levels.
Dandelion: in addition to being a useful natural remedy for liver and gall bladder, this herb is good natural remedy for regulating blood sugar levels. For the treatment of diabetes it should be consumed during the spring, while the dandelion flowers. Consume 10 fresh dandelions every day. Wash the plant previously together with the flower, remove the flower and chew the stem slowly and swallow it.
Cinnamon: it has been confirmed that this spice increases the activity of insulin. One teaspoon of cinnamon during the day can significantly reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, this plant lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Raspberry: an also useful natural remedy for regulating blood sugar levels.
Corn and Oats: purifies the blood, blood vessels and helps in the treatment of diabetes.
It is important, while treating diabetes to include a diet with reduced carbohydrate intake. It is important to throw out unhealthy fats and use of healthy and useful ones, such as flaxseed and fish oil. When the blood sugar levels normalize in the diet you can import butter, olive and coconut oil.
It is necessary to pay attention to adequate intake of minerals because the disease often causes a lack of minerals in the body.
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These Natural Remedies Successfully Lower Blood Sugar
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
These Natural Remedies Successfully Lower Blood Sugar
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