Simply the immunity has dropped, the fat has increased, iron and hemoglobin are below the satisfactory level. What to do? Where to start? Here’s a simple recipe to “refresh” your blood.
- 1 kg of Beetroot
- 1 kg of Carrots
- 1 kg of Apples
- 4 Lemons
- 250 grams of Honey
- First shred all ingredients in a bowl.
- Add the juice leach from the 4 lemons and stir.
- Allow the mixture to stand for 24 hours.
- After 24 hours, drain the mixture and strain it through sterile gauze.
- Add the honey and stir until you get a homogenous mixture.
- The liquid you will get (about 2L.) put it in a glass bottle and store it in a refrigerator.
- Every morning drink a small glass of the mixture on an empty stomach.