Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Perfect Beverage for Purification and Good Health

Just one cup of this green juice a day helps your health because this juice detoxes your body and fully complements the needs of the body for potassium. If you follow a special dietary regime, this drink will help to facilitate the cleaning of the body and is an excellent alternative for snacks.

So do not hesitate the next time you go to the market, be sure to choose celery, cucumbers, kale, apples, lemon and spices.

  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 leaves of kale
  • ¼ Trees spices
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 green apple


It is recommended that all ingredients are organic and grown without pesticides (especially celery, which is known to be very treated with chemicals). But if you cannot obtain all the ingredients to be grown organically peel them off and wash the celery well.

All ingredients should be chopped into a blender or juicer. If you work with a blender, you may need to remove the excess juice sludgy from the resulting mixture.

Give your body some green health!

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