Saturday, February 20, 2016

15 Extra Powers Of The Strongest Natural Antibiotic

Explore the wide range of powers possessed by this natural remedy.
The strongest natural antibiotic which destroys a wide range of microbes, including viruses, bacteria and fungi, is an extract of grapefruit seeds, known as citrofit.

Grapefruit is known as an antioxidant with a strong antibacterial effect. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. But his real wealth lies in its seeds.

From the seeds and pulp of the grapefruit we get the citrofit, the strongest available antibiotic which acts in strengthening the immune system. Due to the large number of polyphenolic compounds – the bioflavonoids (60-70%), the seed extract from the grapefruit shows amazing properties.

Benefits of the seed extract from grapefruit

  1. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood
  2. Ideal for prevention colds and flu
  3. Is effective against allergies
  4. Treats acute and chronic inflammation
  5. Helps in treating gastric infections
  6. Cure diseases caused by parasites
  7. Ideal for rinsing the mouth, sores in the lips, breath, cracked and dry lips
  8. Acts against dental plaque and caries
  9. Helps with ear pain and chronic inflammation of the ear
  10. Great against dandruff, itchy scalp and hair parasites
  11. Curative effect on small cuts, wounds, burns, skin rash
  12. Soothes insect bites
  13. Helps blisters on feet, warts and skin infections
  14. Acts against vaginal fungal infections and parasites
  15. Helps combat the free radicals, improves the liver and strengthens the arteries.

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