Eggs get a bad rap because they are often associated with increasing cholesterol since it is an animal product. However, research has uncovered that the eggs actually contain cholesterol that is harmless. In fact, eggs can also help protect the body against cancer, cardiovascular disease, diseases associated with the eyes, and can promote weight loss.
Dr B. Grifin, a British scientist, discovered the impact eggs actually have on people by comparing and analyzing 30 different studies focused on the consumption of eggs. It was discovered that people who eat at least an egg each day are not at an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases or blood vessel issues in comparison to those who did not eat eggs.
To contribute to a healthier diet, add eggs to your daily regimen. There are many beneficial ingredients with positive effects such as all of that protein that is found in an egg. Eggs are also packed full of iodine, lutein, and phosphorus and are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Additionally, one regular sized egg has just 75 calories and only 5 grams of fat.
Eat up an egg a day to improve your overall health and fight off adverse health issues!
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Eggs Protect Against Cancer And Heart Disease
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Eggs Protect Against Cancer And Heart Disease
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