Saturday, July 9, 2016

Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic and Here`s What to Do to Correct It

Acidic environment in the body is the most convenient soil for the development of number of diseases, bacteria, yeast and even cancer. In case of acidosis the body takes minerals from vital organs and bones in order to neutralize and eliminate the excess acid from the body. Consequently, this leads to magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium deficiency which can seriously damage your health. Due to lack of clear symptoms, this condition is usually undetected for years and leads to acidosis.

Many people are unaware that the foods they are consuming is acid-forming, including meat, sugar, dairy products and grains. The acid waste from these foods needs to be neutralized or eliminated from the body. Therefore, you need more alkaline foods in order to maintain healthy balance.

Mildacidosis (poor pH balance) can cause you these health problems:
• Inflamed sensitive gums, cavities
• Immune deficiency
• Sciatica, lumbago, stiff neck
• Respiratory problems, shortness of breath, coughing
• Yeast fungal overgrowth
• Low energy and chronic fatigue
• Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and reduction in oxygen
• Heart problems, arrhythmias, increased heart rate
• Weight gain, obesity and diabetes
• Bladder and kidney infections
• Accelerated free radical damage
• Premature aging
• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
• Osteoporosis, weak brittle bones, hip fractures, bone spurs
• Headaches, confusion, sleepiness
• Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
• Allergies, acne

Doesn’t the body adjust the pH on its own?
First of all, it is important for you to know that the normal and healthy pH level in the body (except in the stomach) is alkaline. Also, all body systems are able to change their pH in order to maintain the normal pH levels in the blood which must be maintained at the margin of 7.35 to 7.45.Iif your body is too acidic, the blood will absorb alkaline forming materials from the enzyme system of the small intestines. Therefore, the body tries to adjust the pH on its own but at a price of other body systems. This surely leads to a number of health conditions.

Start by knowing your pH
Frequent pH testing is very important so that you will know the current acidic level in your body. The normal level is considered the range from 6.75 to 7.25, although, 7.36 is considered as normal as well.

You can`t tell if food is acidic or alkaline by taste alone
Many people consider lemon as an acidic fruit. However, it is an alkaline forming food. During digestion, the lemon acids are oxidized into carbon dioxide and water, meaning that lemons are creating an alkaline environment in the body.

The most important alkalizing minerals include: magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. Therefore, foods which are high in these minerals are considered as alkaline forming foods. But, there are various foods which contain both, alkaline and acid minerals. So, if the acidic concentration is higher than the alkaline, the food is considered to be acidic as well.

The body has limits
Human body has a limit for how much acid it can compensate. Therefore, you should take of your daily diet and try to consume more alkaline foods, including fruits, vegetables, and greens in order to maintain balance.

How does your body respond to specific foods?
Your dominant constitutional body type is the key factor of how your body will react to certain foods. For instance, if your dominant type is oxidative than fruits and vegetables will make your body more acidic. Proteins, on the other hand, move your body to the alkaline side.
If your body type is autonomic system type (ANS) then proteins can lead to acidic environment, while fruits and vegetables to alkaline environment.

How to improve your alkalinity

1. Regular check up of your pH levels
2. Drink a lot of water (alkaline water if possible)
3. Avoid acidic foods
4. Instead of traditional lunch, you can have a large green salad
5. When preparing wraps use lettuce leaves or collard
6. Avoid processed food
7. Replace soda, sugars, and coffee with herbal tea, herbal coffee and green drinks
8. Consume coconut or almond milk instead of dairy milks
9. Consume more green juices or smoothies

What you eat matters
Maintaining normal pH levels can require a little more effort. But, your energy levels will be improved as well as your overall health.
You are what you eat. The founder of the prominent Hippocrates Health Institute, Ann Wigmore, said: “The food you eat can be even the safest and most powerful medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

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