Although they can be found throughout the body, parasites thrive in the intestines. Different in form, some them feed on red blood cells, thus triggering anemia, others on your food, making you feel hungry after every meal, but still unable to put on weight.
Parasites are quite common and can be contracted from contaminated food or water, a bug bite, or sexual contact. According the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people are affected with some type of parasitic infection. Some parasitic diseases are easily treated whereas some are not.
The presence of parasites in your body can be detected with the following symptoms:
- Skin issues like eczema, dry skin, hives, rashes, papular lesions and sores.
- Sleep disorders including disturbed sleep, bed wetting, insomnia, teeth grinding during sleep.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the most common signs of having parasites because intestinal parasites get attached to the intestinal walls thus causing inflammation of the area.
- Frequent fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or apathy.
- As parasites usually damage the intestinal lining, abdominal problems are a quite common issue.
- Pain in navel, heart pain and arthritic pain, muscle and joint problems, including muscle pain, joint pain, muscle cramping, numbness of hands and/or feet.
- Iron-deficiency leading to anemia.
- Reproductive problems, PMS, cysts and fibroids, prostate problems, menstrual problems, water retention and urinary tract infections.
- Mood and anxiety problems such as anxiety, nervousness, mood swings, depression, restlessness and forgetfulness.
- Appetite and weight issues like weight gain, long standing obesity, inability to gain or lose weight, loss of appetite or uncontrollable hunger.
As parasites thrive on sugar and everything that turns into sugar, the first step you need to take is starve them through cutting off sugar and processed foods from your diet. A diet rich in fiber is also beneficial, especially with worms, as fiber helps the body eliminate parasites.
Moreover, raw cabbage, coconut oil, pineapple, gentian root, ginger, aloe, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, blackberries, and papaya are all extremely efficient in fighting parasites because they create a hostile environment for them, so make sure to increase your intake of these foods and herbs as much as possible.
However, have in mind that the stool test is the best method to determine the presence of parasites in your body. Consult your physician before getting tested for parasitic infection.