In this article we will present to you a plant which will protect you from getting cancer and will also purify your blood
Echinacea is one of the best herbs with antibiotic and antiviral activity. This plant originates from North America and has more types of it. The Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea pallid are the ones who work best when it comes to your overall health.
This herb contains essential oils, cinarin, alkylamido, phenol, apigenin, ehinokozis, polysaccharides, borneol, ehinacin, resin, luteolin, poiacetilin, quercetin, Kaven, inulin, vitamin C, copper, iron, iodine, potassium and so on.
In today’s world this plant is mostly used for strengthening the immune system, increasing lymphocytes (white blood cells) and macrophages (cells which arise from monocytes and have cytotoxic or phagocytic ability).
Laboratory studies show that echinacea can be used when you come across abnormal growth of cells -- which means it prevents the development of tumors, leukemia and cancer.
However, this herb is not recommended for autoimmune disorders, sclerosis and AIDS. Western medicine uses it in diseases associated with respiratory, urinary tract, skin diseases, ear aches, flu, infections and inflammation, cancer, wounds, tumors, insect bite, fatigue, toothache, and cell regeneration or blood purification.
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This Amazing Herb Can Prevent Cancer And Purify Your Blood
Thursday, May 5, 2016
This Amazing Herb Can Prevent Cancer And Purify Your Blood
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