Increased intake of vitamin B17 reduces the development of cancer and there are huge chances that the cancer will be completely cured.
Rumours among patients diagnosed with cancer are getting louder, claiming that the increased intake of vitamin B17 can reduce cancer and provide huge chances for complete curing.
Doctor Ernst T. Krebs first presented vitamin B 17 as a cure for cancer at the beginning of 1950. The theory that vitamin B17 cures cancer is based on the fact that, according to Krebs, cancer is a disease caused by improper vitamin and mineral intake in the organism.
It is a fact that today modern people are more exposed to this disease compared to the primitive cultures in the past. As one of the possible explanations, doctor Krebst outlines the data that ancient tribes had totally different dietary habits.
For example, Hunza people consume 250 to 300 mg of vitamin B17 daily, unlike average Europeans or Americans who consume about 2 mg of this vitamin daily, through industrially processed food.
Hunza is an ancient tribe settled in the north of Pakistan, and its people live to 100 years and more. Cancer is practically unknown disease for these people. The reason for this is that Hunza people eat apricot kernels every day, since it is their most popular fruit and part of their everyday diet.
Until his death in 1996, doctor Krebs claimed that by increasing the daily dose of vitamin B17, the risk of developing cancer could reduce up to 100 % .
Now that you know the secret, eat apricot kernels because they have the highest concentration of vitamin B 17.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
The Cure For Cancer Was Found 65 Years Ago!
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