Did you know that you could protect yourself from breast cancer with only two servings of fatty fish per week? According to a new Chinese study published in the British Medical Journal, the chances of breast cancer can be reduced by 14 percent by consuming salmon at least twice a week.
Since there are now many forms of GMO and conventionally farmed salmon fed GMO grains, it is important to purchase organic whenever possible or at the very least wild salmon.
Fish provide us with omega-3 fatty acids that are important for brain development and they reduce inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system and essential systems of the body.
Researchers suggest that even in wealthy countries, such as the UK, 9 out of 10 children and two thirds of adults never consume oily fish. EPA and DHA — are primarily found in certain fish and one of the most efficient ways to consume Omega 3s.
The researchers analyzed data from 26 studies of Asia, the United Statesand Europe in which 80,000 participants were included and more than 20,000 people affected by breast cancer.
The latest survey shows that only 0.1 percent more energy or 0.1 additional grams per day that comes from omega-3 fatty acids leads to a 5 percent lower risk of cancer. To achieve that, every woman should eat 2 servings of fatty fish such as salmon, sardines or mackerel weekly. You can also use white fish such as cod, which is also healthy, but contain less omega-3 fatty acids.
Women in Asia have some of the lowest risks of breast cancer due to their high consumption of fish.
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), another omega-3 fatty acid, is found in plant sources such as nuts and seeds. While most of the literature about the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3s is about EPA/DHA, there is some evidence that ALA has heart health benefits beyond its impact via the conversion to EPA and DHA, said Sujatha Rajaram, PhD, associate professor in the Dept of Nutrition at Loma Linda University.
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Only two Servings a Week Of This Food Will Protect You From Breast Cancer
Monday, April 4, 2016
Only two Servings a Week Of This Food Will Protect You From Breast Cancer
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