Walnuts have twice the level of antioxidant polyphenols from all nut products and so help the body fight free radicals that damage cells and cause disease, according to research at the University of Pennsylvania.
Nuts such as almonds, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and cashew nuts are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and protein, but scientists warn that the problem is that people do not eat enough, writes the Independent.
“Our recommendation is that people should eat seven walnuts a day” – says head of research Joe Vinson.
Previous research has shown eating nuts reduces the signs of aging and protect against heart disease and some cancers.
After it was discovered that only seven walnuts a day protects against heart disease, walnuts are immediately declared superfood. But nuts have long been considered the perfect food in nature.
They found that of all other nuts, walnuts contain the highest level of antioxidants. And when it comes to food that is healthy for the heart, walnuts are among the healthiest foods out there.
Besides being rich in antioxidants, they contain healthy fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, studies are showing that regular intake of nuts can reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers and diabetes type 2. One of the interesting things is that Walnut looks like a little brain, even wrinkles and curling just like the neo-cortex. Today we know that walnuts help develop more than thirty neuro-transmitters for brain functions. So, you might say that nut itself is a miracle from God deliberately created for the benefit of man.
In the latest study, researchers from the University of Scranton in the US state of Pennsylvania analyzed the antioxidant content in several types of nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pecan nuts, macadamia nuts and cashew nuts.
Study leader Dr. Joe Vinson said: ‘Walnuts are ranked above peanuts, almonds, pecan nuts, pistachios and other fruits. A handful of walnuts contains almost twice more than the same amount of antioxidants of any other fruit nuts. Unfortunately, people do not eat a lot of nuts. Our research indicates that people should insert more walnuts in their healthy diet. ‘
Dr. Tim. Vinson revealed that except for the amount of antioxidants nuts and superior in strength of antioxidants they contain. Those who are found in nuts are 15 times more powerful than vitamin E, which is known as a very powerful antioxidant.
The researchers note that the advantages of a walnut when eaten raw are the most effective. All other frauds with nuts such as roasts will reduce their effectiveness. But many people avoid nuts because they think they are greasy and fattening. However, nuts are rich in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that do not clog blood vessels as well as saturated fats. Do you eat nuts not to gain weight, except that you could lose weight and because they cause a feeling of satiety?
‘Seven walnuts a day is the ideal amount in order to get the maximum benefit from them, “added Dr. Vinson.
Walnut core contains the most oil (55-65%), followed by high-protein (15%) and the same amount of carbohydrates and is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B and C. List of walnuts contains tightly oil yellowish color, tannin , acid and bitter substances and bitter taste.
Since it contains decomposed medicinal ingredients, from walnut leaves you can prepare syrups, extracts and similar preparations. The leaves are best used while green and fresh.
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Here’s What Will Happen If You Eat Only 7 Walnuts A Day!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Here’s What Will Happen If You Eat Only 7 Walnuts A Day!
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