Cold limbs can be a symptom of four malignant diseases. Cold fingers and toes are more common occurrence in women than in men. It triggers the process by which the body maintains the temperature of the vital organs. However, if you do it often happens, may point to other, more serious, health problems.
If, in addition to the cold hands, there are some other symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and fatigue, check the level of iron in the blood. Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen in the blood and gives it a red color.
Cold and tingling in hands and feet, may be the first signs of diabetes. Diabetes has consequences for blood circulation and nervous system, and is often accompanied with these phenomena. If you are constantly thirsty, eat a lot and not cultivate or lose weight, be sure to inspect your blood sugar.
Thyroid gland
Hypothyroidism, or slow thyroid gland, resulting in slower metabolism, and is often accompanied by cold feet or cold sensation. Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, slow speech and movement, as well as poor tolerance of high temperatures, are clear symptoms of this disorder.
Stress can also be the cause of cold hands and feet. It, in fact, increases adrenaline, a hormone produced in the adrenal glands, which constricts blood vessels and circulation is weaker, and the hands and feet are colder.
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Are Your Hands and Feet Cold? These Are the Diseases That Might Threaten You
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Are Your Hands and Feet Cold? These Are the Diseases That Might Threaten You
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