Sweets are something for which, all of us reach too often aside from infectious taste magnetically attract us because of the ingredients that raise mood, thus creating a dependency on sweets. Sweets that we buy have bad effects on our health if we consume them on long terms. We can replace them with foods which contain natural healthy sugars which are delaying the false desire for sweets.
During the period when fresh figs are not available, you can easily consume them dry. Its content consists of numerous vitamins and minerals; the most common are magnesium and vitamin C. Fig clean metabolism thereby resolving fat deposits, and besides that secretes insulin, which affects blood sugar levels.
Red juicy pulp should be found in daily use in fresh or puree form.
Tomatoes contain high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin, and one of the minerals in its content is chrome. Chromium reduces the craving for food and successfully regulates blood glucose and cholesterol in the body.
Most accessible fruit which tastes sour to sweet meet the different needs of individuals, and are an excellent substitute for the sweets. Apple is rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates that create a feeling of satiety and meet the need for sweets.
This fragrant spice is not necessarily just an ingredient in desserts as it prevents sudden changes in glucose levels in the body by delaying the need for sweet snacks.
You can sprinkle cinnamon on fruit salad, mix it into lemonade. In this way, the body will provide a healthy substitute for sweets.
The sweet potato is recognized as one of the most desired food only a few years ago, due to the multitude of minerals, low glycemic index, and plenty of dietary fiber.
Owing to the low glycemic index sweet potato in the body slows down the absorption of glucose. Sweet potato can be prepared as a puree, potato chips and as an ingredient in cold salads.
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Five Foods That Reduce The Need For Sweets
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Five Foods That Reduce The Need For Sweets
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