Everyone was faced with symptoms of anxiety and insomnia at least once in their life. Anxiety and insomnia can occur together, and be combined with depression. These three health issues have a major negative impact on lives on the ones who suffer them. While conventional medicine recommends to treat the disease with drugs, proponents of alternative medicine believe that the healing power of chamomile has positive effects on anxiety, insomnia and depression.
Experts assume that the soothing effect of chamomile is due to flavonoids called apigenin. But unlike the popular drug to relieve anxiety, chamomile does not grasp addictive and is not harmful. In addition, chamomile increases levels of glycine in the body. Those are amino acid that relaxes nerves and muscles.
Chamomile tea is the most popular tea in the world. It is simply and easily prepared from fresh or dried flowers of the plant. A few minutes after consuming it, you will feel the failure of tension and stress.
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Chamomile Tea For Anxiety, Insomnia And Depression!
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Chamomile Tea For Anxiety, Insomnia And Depression!
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