Most of us are use to grab a pill after the first cold or pain symptom. Some even keep thousands of pills, creams and healing liquids in their homes. But before you jump to your little private pharmacy, nature can help you solve your problem.
The interest of people in natural cures found in kitchen grows constantly, because this kind of cures can be an excellent change for artificial cures and it can help you with various health problems, without causing any side effects. Let The Kitchen Be Your Pharmacy !
Mosquito Bite Remedy
To relieve the unpleasant and boring itchy feeling mosquito bite causes, take an overripe banana and place a piece of its peel over the mosquito bite. Banana peel helps in treating any insect bite.
Remedy For Eczema
Apply some olive oil on irritated skin. In this way you will make a layer that will prevent skin from drying. If eczema is more serious, wrap skin in nylon paper after you have covered it with olive oil and keep it throughout the night.
Natural Remedy For Urinary Tract Infection
To relieve pain of urinary infection as cystitis, mix 1/4 tsp of baking soda and 250 ml water and drink this mixture. Do this every time you notice the first signs of the infection and prepare this beverage once a day until you notice any improvement or until you start taking antibiotics.
Drinking blueberry juice can also help, because it contains substances capable of stopping Escherichia coli, bacteria responsible for causing cystitis. Homemade blueberry juice is much better than the blueberry juice you buy in stores.
Nausea Remedy
Ginger can calm nausea in people while travelling, and it can also calm morning nausea in pregnant women. To prepare ginger tea you need to soak 1 tbsp of fresh ginger in boiling water, let it rest for 10 minutes and filter the tea. Pregnant women can eat ginger biscuits.
Natural Remedy For Scratches And Cuts
If you scratch or cut yourself, apply some honey on that spot. Honey will stop bacteria from spreading and will disinfect the wound. After honey dries, it acts as natural bandage.
Unpleasant Body Odor Remedy
If your armpits or feet spread unpleasant odor, the solution is simple -- put some baking soda. Baking soda acts as natural antiperspirant and reduces the amount of sweat during the day.
Natural Remedy For Fungal Foot Infection (Athlete’s foot)
Fungal skin infection on feet is also calls Athlete’s foot, because athletes most often suffer from this health condition. To treat this unpleasant infection, fill a container with water and add 2 tbsp of salt to every half a liter of water. Soak your feet in this salt water bath foot 5-10 minutes every day. This will help you treat fungal infection, reduce sweating and soften skin.
Remedy For Insomnia
A glass of warm milk will help you relax before going to bed. Spice your milk with some cinnamon and 1 tbsp of honey. There is no better way to relax before bedtime.
Natural Remedy For Headache
Mint oil can help you relieve headache. Fill a container with cold water. Add 5-6 mint oil drops and put a towel. Press out the excess water and put the towel on your forehead. Remove the compress after 10-15 minutes.
Amazing Remedy For Cold
It is well known that garlic can protect you from cold and even cure you after you notice the first symptoms. The sooner you do something, the better effect you will get. Soak 2 garlic cloves in honey and chew them. You can also take 2 garlic cloves, add some warm water and honey, crush cloves down and swallow the mixture without chewing it.
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10 Natural Remedies In Your Kitchen
Friday, March 18, 2016
10 Natural Remedies In Your Kitchen
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