When you are preparing for detoxification of the body, fill your refrigerator with green foods (spinach, kale, chard, broccoli, green algae). These groceries clean the body from a variety of chemical toxins from the environment such as (smog, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, cleaning).
Studies have shown that apples are a great help for the elimination of toxins from the body, and also can be beneficial when you buy juice of this fruit. Apples contain a special type of fiber that helps to clean the body of heavy metals, participate in struggle with parasites and helps to clean the skin.
Celery helps to detoxify the body in several ways. It acts as a diuretic, helps in purification of blood, as well as the elimination of fluids and acids from the joints and stimulates the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.
Lemon is full of vitamin C, which helps in purifying the system for welding. Lemon helps blood purification and cleaning the skin of toxins that cause pimples and sores. Lemon juice in warm water is also good for the liver and helps to protect the kidneys from stones.
For many people water is not seen as a drink that can help detoxification of the body, but water is the key element that helps the body to get rid of toxins and helps natural processes in the body to take place normally.
The food is excellent for digestion, which helps your body to release as soon as possible from toxins and unwanted bacterium. This is also used to combat cold and stop coughing.
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Foods That Help Detoxify
Monday, February 29, 2016
Foods That Help Detoxify
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