Saturday, August 20, 2016

Chocolate & Kale – Smoothie Against Osteoporosis And Boosts Your Immunity

This is ideal for starting the day or an afternoon snack. Besides being tasty, kale is very helpful for your health, especially your bones.

It affects the bones in a way that it strengthens them and makes them more resistant to fractures and lumps. Consume this smoothie daily and it will help you improve your health.
It is recommended for people with osteoporosis problems.


  • 1 large banana
  • A few leaves of fresh kale
  • 2 dates without bones
  • 1 cup of blueberries
  • 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 ½ cups water


Place all ingredients in a blender and mix them until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Drink it immediately, with smaller sips. This amount is enough for a one-person-meal.