The colon is a vital organ that provides essential functions in the body: it eliminates accumulated waste from the food and beverages consumed; it prevents diseases and plays a fundamental role in the digestive process. To maintain the health of your colon, here are some simple ingredients, “natural cleaners”, found in your refrigerator.
The colon: an essential organ
The colon is the last part of the digestive system, a long tube measuring between 23 and 26 feet and is responsible for removing fecal waste through a mechanism called peristalsis. It therefore plays a key role in the elimination of toxins, hence the need to keep it healthy so that it works optimally.
Although the human body has natural mechanisms to eliminate toxins, it is important to support this process by regularly cleaning the colon, because daily we accumulate large amounts of toxins that affect our health. Once your colon is cleansed, you will improve your overall well-being, you feel less bloated and feel a greater digestive comfort.
There are many natural methods for cleansing the colon. Here is a list of foods and simple ingredients that will help you keep a healthy colon.
Apple Juice
You know the saying? “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” … And yes, the apple is a fruit with many health benefits.
It is rich in water and pectin, a soluble fiber that swells in the digestive process (increases satiety). The acidity of the apple reduces the absorption of fats and sugars during digestion in order to best eliminate toxins. It is naturally acidic and having a high level of fructose permits to naturally clean the colon.
You can drink one or two cups of apple juice per day (treatment for a week for example) to clean your colon. If you do not prepare your juice in the juicer, make sure to consume a 100% pure fruit juice and no added sugar for optimum efficiency.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt, thanks to its high magnesium concentration, is used to purify the body because it helps to dilate the bile duct to remove waste from the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. You can mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a 34 ounce bottle of water, and then place the bottle in the refrigerator to dispel the bitterness before drinking. Sea salt has vitamins and essential nutrients that stimulate the digestive system.
In addition, to complete the detoxifying and purifying action of the Epsom salt, you can dissolve half a glass of sea salt to your bath.
It is well known that water is essential in the process of elimination of wastes and accumulated toxins. You can drink water without moderation to clean your digestive system. Drinking 2 quarts per day is enough to clean your colon.
Highly concentrated in fiber and essential fatty acids, flax seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that helps keep a healthy colon. You can spice up your dishes with this ingredient (some ground seeds) particularly effective to digest food faster and therefore better cleanse the colon.
Among its many benefits, ginger has antioxidant and antibacterial properties helping to eliminate waste, improve digestion and promote weight loss. For example, you can add a few thin slices of ginger to your regular tea and enjoy all the health benefits of this ingredient.
Fresh Vegetable Juice
Fresh vegetable juices are on a roll lately! And you would be wrong to deprive yourself because they are great source of vitamins and nutrients.
The benefit of eating vegetables in a juice form is that they are more easily assimilated than in a raw form because some require a very long digestion process that can last for several hours. Vegetable juice is a great alternative to give your body essential vitamins and enzymes that will cleanse your colon. Preferably opt for organic vegetables to prepare your vegetable juice.
For good digestive health, a diet rich in fiber helps waste disposal and good colon health. It is found in many foods such as fresh fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals such as rice, quinoa, whole wheat, etc. It is important to integrate them into your household.
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These foods that naturally cleanse the colon are probably in your fridge
Friday, June 10, 2016
These foods that naturally cleanse the colon are probably in your fridge
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