The fruit is shaped like an apple or pear with golden to red color, covered with hairs, which can be easily removed. Quince has a pleasant smell and sour taste.
This fruit was popular in ancient Greek culture, and ancient Greeks consumed it by preparing an interesting recipe. First they scooped the inner part of a quince, then filled it with honey. Prepared like this, ancient Greeks baked this delicious fruit.
In Greek mythology quince was a symbol for love and happiness. Romans used quince to produce essential oils used in perfumeries. In France quince is already known for centuries and this fruit is used not only for food but also for cosmetic and medical purposes.
Energy and nutritional value of quince
100 grams of fresh quince contain 57 kcal / 238 kJ -- 0.4 % protein, 0.1 % fat, 15.3 % carbohydrates. It is rich in fiber and copper, and contains manu tannin substances.Quince is a rich source of vitamin C (15 mg, which is 18.8 % of the recommended daily intake). It contains beta-carotene and malic acid. Quince is used in preparing delicious jam and jelly because of the pectin it contains.
Seeds contain mucus, 15 % oil, protein and a little amygdalin. Quince is excellent choice if you are making nice, homemade jam.
Healing power of quince
Fruits, leaves and seeds are used in healing purposes. Mucus found in seeds (Mucilago Cydoniae) is prepared by soaking seeds in water and this homemade remedy is used to treat wounds caused by long-term laying of patients and burns, and as a remedy for sore eyes and cracked skin.Because of the mucus and pectin it contains, this fruit is very beneficial in treating throat, tonsils and respiratory tract inflammation.
Mucus is also used in cosmetic industry for making lotions and skin creams.
It is recommended to consume boiled quince to treat stomach and intestines inflammation, because of its power in relieving diarrhea. Quince fruit contain mucoid substances including: pectin, oil, amygdalin, phosphoric acid and vitamin C.