Monday, June 13, 2016

Say Goodbye To Gout Forever With This Powerful Natural Treatment !

This mysterious complicated form of arthritis is often unnoticeable especially by people who don’t suffer from gout, but is quite difficult for people who have it.

As a result from waste structures which are processed in the kidneys and dissolved in the blood, uric acid builds -up in the blood and the gout is formed. Also if the kidneys cannot process the entire uric acid than gout attacks are caused. The remained uric acid causes process of crystallization and accumulation of the waste in the joints.

Sudden pain, joint redness, heat and tenderness are common symptoms .As this is a chronic disease, people need to take medicines until they die and many don’t want to. Luckily this mixture prepared with 3 ingredients will heal and stop gout symptoms like analgesics do.

Say Goodbye To Gout Forever With This Powerful Natural Treatment!

  • 1 cup of tart cherry juice
  • 1-2 teaspoons of powdered turmeric
  • Food processor and Blender
  • 1 inch fresh ginger root or 2-3 teaspoons of powdered ginger
  • 1 pineapple
  • A strainer
  • Honey
  • A glass container with tight lid

Method of Preparation:
After cutting the peel and removing the stem if you want you can use the pineapple stem because of the bromein it contains. After slicing the pineapple into pieces put them in a blender. Blend until you get a compound mixture after which you should add the tart cherry juice, and a teaspoon of turmeric and ginger.

Put the mixture in a glass container and close it tight .Keep the mixture in the fridge for 10 days to tighten up. Add honey or more turmeric and ginger for better taste. You can keep this drink for one month in t`he fridge so if you can -consume it every day!