Monday, June 20, 2016

20 Simple Home Remedies for Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are not dangerous, non-cancerous and can appear on different body parts. They appear due to skin rubbing and they occur on eyelids, arms, legs, armpits,lower part of the breast and neck. These small, fleshy outgrowths have uneven shape. They are often called achrochordon. They are common in men and women and what is more important they can be removed at home with natural homemade remedies.


Skin tags appear as a result of accumulation of collagen and blood vessels in the thicker areas of the skin. They most often appear in skin creases and folds due to skin rubbing. People who suffer from bellow mentioned disease are more prone to skin tags:

  • Human papilloma virus
  • In pregnant women, due to hormonal changes
  • Heredity
  • Excess use of steroids
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Scratches due to jewelry, shaving, and clothing


The symptoms are:

Irregular in shape

Not painful

Small skin outgrowths, which are pink or brownish in color

Mostly appear on the neck, upper chest, area under breasts, groin, eyelids and armpits.

Home Remedies for Removing Skin Tags

1. Tea Tree Oil

This oil is extremely helpful in removing skin tags at home. After soaking cotton ball in water put 2-3 drops of Tea Tree Oil on the ball. Gently rub it on the skin tag making circular movements. Every day repeat the treatment twice for a week until the skin tag is gone.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar
This is especially useful against skin tags on the neck. Use a cotton ball soaked in Apple Cider Vinegar and place it on the skin tag. The treatment should be practiced for a month until the skin tag is removed.

3. Onion Juice

After cutting an onion place it in a bowel with a salt and let it stay overnight. In the morning make onion juice and apply this juice before going to bed every night for 10-12 days minimum. The results will be positive.

4. Castor Oil & Baking Soda

This is easy and effective method. Make a thick mixture from castor oil and baking soda. After applying the mixture on the skin tag you must cover it. Let it stay overnight. In the morning wash the skin tag with warm water. The procedure should last for 10 days until the skin tag is gone completely.

5. Pineapple Juice

This is also a very simple method. Use pineapple juice every day and apply it 2-3 times a day for 10 days minimum, but do not wash it and the skin tag will be gone forever.

6. Garlic

Put garlic juice on the skin tag minimum 2 times a day. But, remember to change the garlic each time you apply it on the skin tag.

7. Nail Polish

Another effective way to remove skin tags is to apply nail polish on the skin tag and wait until is dry. Repeat this procedure for several days 2-3 times daily until the skin tag disappears.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Juice should be applied on the skin tag with a gentle massage. After few days you should expect positive results.

9. Lemon Juice

Apply cotton ball soaked in lemon juice on the skin tag and repeat this treatment every day until skin tag is gone forever.

10. Banana Peel

Place the inside part of a small banana piece directly on the skin tag. Fix it with gauze and let it stay overnight. Repeat the treatment until the skin tag vanishes.

11. Duct Tape
Cover the skin tag with a duct tape and do not remove it for 10-12 days and the skin tag should fell off. Try this great home remedy.

12. Tying off Skin Tags

Another effective home remedy against skin tags. Tie a piece of dental floss quite tightly around the skin tag and then cut the skin tag with scissors or nail cutter. Although it sounds painful it is not. After the skin tag is removed apply an antibacterial cream on the place.

Note– Be sure to use sterile nail cutter or scissors.

13. Vitamin E Capsule

Use this capsule to get rid of skin tags. Open the capsule and rub in the powder from the capsule on the skin tag. For positive results the next ten days repeat the treatment twice a day.

14. Ginger

Rub raw ginger on the skin tag. To remove skin tag forever, apply the treatment for 2 weeks.

15. Fenugreek

Put some fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning drink the water before breakfast.

16. Vegetable Juices

First mash a potato and garlic clove and then chop some cauliflower. Mix the juice from all the ingredients and apply it on the skin tag for a few days every until the skin tag is gone. You can also make a compress with any of the above mentioned vegetables, put it on the skin tag and fix it with a bandage. Leave it overnight and repeat until is necessary.

17. Essential Oils
Make a mixture from ½ teaspoonof basil essential oil,1 teaspoon of oregano essential oil and 8 teaspoon of sesame essential oil. Apply previously soaked cotton ball in the mixture on the skin tag. Wait for 30 minutes and then rinse it with water. Apply the mixture once a day until the skin tag disappears from face or eylids. You may also combine avocado oil and lime essential oil.

18. Potato

Fix with a bandage a piece of potato over a skin tag. The potato will dry off the skin tag and it will fell off after a few days.

19. Dandelion Root

Make a juice from dandelion root and apply it on the skin. Continue with applying until the skin tag is gone.

20. Aspirin

Take some water and dissolve an aspirin in it. This solution should be applied on the skin tag. The skin tag will dry and vanish forever.

Anal Skin Tag Removal Ways

Anal skin tags may cause itching but they are not painful. These tags can be removed only by a doctor but first they should be diagnosed as skin tags, not hemorrhoids. Natural remedies are not recommended especially the cutting method because the area around anus is more sensitive. The cutting method may cause bleeding which would be difficult to stop.

So if you want to remove anal skin tags, the best solution is to visit a doctor. The doctor will use liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tag after which it will dry and fell off the skin. This treatment is also used for removing hemorrhoids.

Skin Tag Removal Products

In the stores there are several skin tag removal creams which can be effective against skin tags.

Homeopathic Remedies for Skin Tags

One of the most effective ways to destroy unwanted skin tags is Homeopathy. The most effective homeopathic remedies are:

1. Thuja : This remedy is beneficial in treating skin tags, particularly on genitals and anus.

2. Causticum : This is mainly effective for eliminating skin tags on hands, face and eyelids . It is espwcially useful in treating skin tags that bleed.

3. Antim Crudum : This is specifically used in treating hard skin tags, which frequently occur on hands and soles of the feet.

Other homeopathic remedies include, Staphysagria ,Cinnabaris and Dulcamara.

How to prevent skin tags?

  • Have a balanced diet comprising of fruits and vegetables
  • Cut down the intake of excess sugar.
  • Improve your digestion.
  • Decrease the intake of fat made from animal oils.