Monday, September 12, 2016

Be Aware! Early Signs Of Ovarian Cysts That Most Women Mistakenly Ignore

Many women are affected by polycystic ovary disorders nowadays. It means that their ovaries have many cysts. As a result of increased hormonal levels, these cysts are created and they may occur during the reproductive years of the  women at any age.

The cysts can be small or large and resemble wall filled sacs.

Although the cysts are not actually harmful, they become larger if not treated on time. The treatment normalizes the hormonal levels in order to prevent their growth.

To prevent ovarian cysts from causing other serious issues, it is very important to recognize the warning symptoms of ovarian cysts:

  • Bloating or pain in the abdomen
  • Lower back pain
  • Quickly feeling full or loss of appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Painful menstruation or abnormal bleeding
  • Difficulty urinating or frequent need to urinate

Changes in bowel habits and extreme fatigue are other warning symptoms that can be experienced. If you experience a post-menopausal bleeding, you should definitely visit your GP.

Note down and keep a diary how often and all symptoms you experience because it is very important to your GP.

The next two 100% natural and effective ways provide excellent beneficial effects in the fight against this issue:


Due to its powerful healing properties, licorice balances the hormonal levels and enhances the adrenal function. It is the safest and extremely useful remedy against ovarian cysts.


Almost all types of gynecological problems can be treated by this herb. It promotes hormonal balance, controls the menstrual flow, lowers the oestrogen hormone production in the brain, forces the ovarian cysts to reduce and alleviates the pelvic pain.