Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Watercress Soup – Powerful Lung Cleansing Remedy And Boosts Your Immunity

Cleansing your lungs lower the risk of cancer, expand lung capacity and improve the health of the respiratory tract.

A lot of doctors look at watercress as being essential for lung cleansing. Watercress is used for making soup, which really cleanses the lungs from toxins. It’s good to eat this soup twice a month, especially if you’re a smoker.

Watercress soup recipe:


  • 2.2 lbs / 1 kg of watercress
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of dates


Put the ingredients in a bowl over a little heat. As soon as it starts boiling, lower the heat and stir it for at least four hours. If there’s foam at the surface, remove it with a spoon, and when the soup’s ready, accustom it in line with your taste. You can serve the soup with rice.

It is necessary to use the precise quantity amount of the ingredients and cook at least four hours. After this long cooking, the soup is delicious and efficient in detoxifying the lungs.