Monday, August 29, 2016

Experiencing Constant Back Pain? This Is The Way To Solve It Naturally! It Guarantees 90% Success!

One of the most common health problems is undoubtedly the lumbago, and more than 80 percent of the population has at least once while a pain in the lower lumbar spine in your life.

What is the meaning of that?

The spine is an anatomical and thoracic vertebrae composite structure and there are 5 lumbar, cervical July 12. They are mobile and there are circles cartilage are allowing the movement of the column. They are also associated with nerves, ligaments, muscles and blood veins are doing pillar body support and allow the right viewpoint body. The vertebrae is arranged in a tube in order to form a protective canal where the nerves root form of the feet and hands and spinal cord passes.

Because of this function, the spine is subjected permanent loads such as bending, tension, pressure, etc., and can cause wear of the tendons.

The versatility of the parts of the vertebral column is not in the same amount. For example, the chest is slightly mobile, while the cervical vertebrae are very mobile. Often it is degenerative changes due to the transition from one party to another and that’s where the pain comes. The back pain can occur especially in the dorsal lumbar junction and chest in the lower back.

What group of people who are at greater risk? That would be people who have a misplaced physical work, sedentary work, those affected by osteoporosis, the elderly and people with abnormalities of the spine after surgery or injury.

How can treat and prevent? ‘It’s not a plant, Gavez-call, and can help if you have this kind of problem. It is growing in the fields near water or in the fields. There is a lotion containing extract of this plant and after five days of testing has recovered completely back pain. About 120 patients (with pain in the upper part and the lower back) were examined by scientists. It was given to half of patients grease plant and was applied for 5 days, three times a day in the back. The other half got a fake lotion.

People with false ointment had 39 percent of the decrease in pain, and scientists are explaining that as a great desire to feel better or a placebo effect. However, people with the right ointment had 95 percent of the decrease in pain. The ointment Gavez acted swiftly after 1 hour of application. scientists “of the German Sports University” of Bonn were conducting this investigation. The research results were published in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” and did not explain the powerful Gavez root extract that is clinically proven and can help reduce the acute pain. The root of this plant is similar to beet and has hairy and large leaves. It was tested in this research that can help reduce the pain of sprained knee osteoarthritis and joint pain. Because it is toxic to the liver, which has to intake as a supplement and in capsule form.