Saturday, August 27, 2016

8 Simple Ways You Can Increase Mobility, Reduce Joint Pain, And Promote Healthy Circulation

We all know the importance of working out regularly, and keeping your heart strong. Exercising helps prevent high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain cancers, arthritis, stroke, and metabolic syndrome. They also help control weight, improve mood, boost energy, promote sleep, and boost libido.


After a long day at work, it’s hard to convince yourself to leave the comfort of home to get some much needed exercise. The gym is expensive, and the sun may set by the time you get home. Also, home is warm and comfortable. All are very good reasons to stay in. However, that doesn’t mean you should skip your workout.

Home exercises can be as fun and equally challenging as working out in a gym or outdoors.  As long as you push yourself, there’s nothing you can’t do and your body will thank you.

Here are 8 home exercises you can do from home with things you may already have lying around!

1 – Jump Rope

Jumping rope is an AMAZING cardio workout. After only a minute you’ll start to feel your breathing pick up and your heart beat quicken.

2 – Stair Stepping

If you live in a house, you’ve got some stairs. If you don’t live in a house,  you’ve got chairs, stools or books you could work with. Find something sturdy and get stepping. Walk up and down the stool or stair and keep your heart rate up. It’s easy to do while watching tv so you won’t notice time passing. You may not get as sweaty as you would jumping rope, but you’re staying active, and that’s the key.

3 – Plank

What? Building core muscles can be done without doing sit-ups? Heck yes they can. Get into a pushup position and stay there without bending your arms. Keep your back straight and your arms strong. Start off holding the position for 15-30 seconds, taking a ten second break.  I find it helpful to listen to an upbeat song while I plank to keep me pumped and engaged. Every day you can add time, and with added time comes added muscle!

4 – Dancing

You don’t need to go out to dance. Turn on your favourite music and bust a move! Dancing is a great workout because it keeps your heart pumping while having fun and it moves and stretches all of your muscles. If you’re a horrible dancer like me, wait until everyone’s left and shake your sillies out.

5 – Lunges

Lunges are a great way to get around your house. Instead of lunging forward and bringing your leg back to start, lunge forward and bring your back foot forward, turning your lunges into lunge walking. Ensure your knee doesn’t pass your toe, and your back stays straight. Add weights for a real challenge.

6 – Cleaning

Cleaning can be very engaging. Mopping, scrubbing, and vacuuming are all great core and arm workouts. Bonus points if you turn on music and dance while you scrub.

7 – Water Bottle Weights

Water bottles are a great way to make your own weights. They can be customized by adding more or less water, and you can increase the bottle size to create a greater challenge. These free weights are a great addition when lunging around the house.

8 – High Knees

High knees sound scarier than they are. If you’re uncomfortable running around kicking your waiting hands, try standing high knees. Start slowly and speed up to whatever pace is comfortable for you. Make sure you challenge yourself, but listen to your body. If you’re feeling adventurous, running around your house doing high knees at double time is a great way to get your heart really working.

Working out at home can be unplanned, and hassle free. There are no monthly fees, and no expensive workout equipment necessary.  For an added challenge, head to YouTube and search any kind of workout you like. There are hundreds of free workouts  available, from relaxing yoga to hardcore crossfit, you’ll find what you’re looking for.