Tuesday, August 23, 2016

3 Tonics You Need For Regular and Chemotherapy Detox

Post-chemo detox is a “must.” Every individual who has received these medications should do it as soon as possible, because toxic buildups can cause negative effects. Patients treated with chemotherapy have to introduce some healthy dietary habits, because cancer may return even when it is successfully removed.

Many people believe that this deadly disease only occurs if you have genetic predispositions, but you can lower the risk by improving your diet and drink the following post-chemo detox tonics as a preventive measure.

Chemotherapy has destructive effect. People can eat normally and many struggle with the urge to vomit. Thank to these super-easy tonics, you can relieve your stomach pain, treat any problems in your body and stimulate the organs involved in the elimination of toxins. Try these post-chemo detox tonics and eliminate heavy metals and start your healing process
Post-chemo detox tonics

1. Juicing post-chemo detox tonic

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Cranberry
  • Cayenne
  • Pepper
  • Lemon

Juice equal amount of turmeric, ginger, lemon and cranberry, and do not peel the turmeric and ginger. You need 2 ounces of each. You can use a citrus juicer for the lemon, and slow juicer is the best option for the other ingredients. Always drink your tonic right after you juice the ingredients.

Fresh cranberries are hard to find, but you can use cranberry juice. Remember, always use unprocessed products. If you still cannot find cranberry juice, use frozen cranberries.

Once your juice is ready, add some fresh pepper and cayenne. Drink your tonic and your stomach should soon feel better and you will be relieved.

Drink two cups of the detox tonic every day in your first week. Once your condition has improved, drink 2-3 ounces in the morning. If you do not feel well, drink more than two cups a day.

2. Cranberry post-chemo detox lemonade

Drink organic cranberry lemonade sweetened with some stevia on a daily basis. The best thing about it is that you can drink it any time you want, and you can drink several glasses of the tonic every day.

Cranberry juice is especially good for the kidneys and liver. It balances pH values. Instead of spring water you can use distilled water, just to make sure the water does not contain harmful ingredients. You do not have to add stevia, but you should never replace it with other sweeteners.

  • distilled water
  • glass gallon jar
  • 2 lemons, organic
  • 1 cup cranberry juice, organic (do not use concentrate)
  • liquid cayenne
  • liquid stevia

You should leave about 15% of the jar empty. Fill the rest with water. Juice the lemons and add the juice. Add the cranberry juice, stevia and cayenne. Of course, you can use as much cayenne as you want, but it is much better if you add some more of it.

3. Doc Shillington’s total chemotherapy detox tonic

This post-chemo detox tonic will boost your immunity, and easily eliminate the toxins from your body.


  • 1 handful onions, chopped
  • 1 handful garlic cloves
  • 1 handful horseradish, chopped
  • 1 handful ginger, chopped
  • 1/2 handful habanero peppers, chopped apple cider vinegar, organic


Blend all the ingredients and pour in 200 ml of organic apple cider vinegar. Make sure you use organic ingredients.


It is important to keep your immunity on the highest level. Remove excess candida and balance the pH value in your organism. Drink these post-chemo tonics on a daily basis. They are good for everyone. Eat raw food, and avoid processed food at any cost. This will help you improve your health condition.