Tuesday, April 19, 2016

These Natural Ingredients Have Proven Effective Against Cellulite!

Cellulite is one of the greatest female enemy, and almost every woman in the world has it. The stubborn, highly visible cellulite warns that you left your body, you sit too much, you eat poorly or have other unhealthy habits.

With the arrival of the good weather and storing the thick layers of clothing in the closet, the problem of cellulite is becoming even greater. You want to make it less visible until you go to the beach, so it is best to start fighting the hated orange peel,today.

Along with exercise and drinking lots of water, certainly you need a good scrub to stimulate circulation and make the unwanted “holes” less visible on your buttocks and thighs, and a very simple version you can make yourself in your home.

For this scrub you need just three ingredients – roasted coffee, a little sea salt and coconut oil.


In a cup of coffee add 6 teaspoons of melted coconut oil and 3 teaspoons of salt and mix all of the ingredients well.


Before taking a shower with a brush of natural fibers, ‘to dry’ rub the area affected by cellulite to start the circulation and prepare the skin to absorb the ingredients of the scrub.

During the shower massage the scrub on wet skin in a circular motion. The longer you massage, the results will be better: the caffeine from the coffee will start the circulation and significantly tighten the skin, grains of salt will go through an intensive peeling and coconut oil will nourish and soften.