Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fortunella - Golden Orange In The Service Of Your Health

It is mentioned in Chinese literature since the 12th century, so it is believed that it originates from there. In the 19th century, its cultivation is largely spread in the area from America and Europe, and is now most common in Brazil, Spain, Argentina, California and South Africa.

Because of its dwarf plants, rich green canopy and beautiful flowers, it is popular around the world as an ornamental tree.

It justifies the adjective “golden” because it is a real treasure of nutrients.

The whole fruit is eaten together with the bark. Has a yellow – orange color and oblong shape with a size of 3 to 5 cm.

Kumquat is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E, B1, B2, minerals: calcium, potassium, iron, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, carotenoids, tannins, pectin, important phytonutrients that protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals.

The look is reminiscent of miniature orange, and unlike other citrus fruit the peel can be consumed and is very tasty.

Before consuming recommended fruit slightly frayed, to liberate the aromas of the bark and get the sweet – sour taste specific to this fruit.

It helps in strengthening the immune system

Because of the large amount of vitamin C in their composition, the kumquat is a perfect ally in the fight against colds, flu and other infections.

100 g of the fruit satisfies even 73% of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of this vitamin.

Accelerates healing of wounds

Vitamin C is known as a good ally in the reconstruction of damaged cells. It has been proven that daily consumption of this citrus contributes to faster healing of all types of skin injuries (open wounds, deep wounds, scratches and bruises).

Also, it helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes.

Protects against cancer and infections

Due to the high concentration of antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, and flavonoids such as carotene, tannin and pectin the “golden orange” protects the body against free radicals that damage DNA cells.

It helps in getting rid of the stones from the body

It has been proven that natural citric acid has a major role in the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with kidney stones and bile. Acidic foods mimic gastric acid and bile encouraging contractions for expelling stones.

It helps in lowering cholesterol, which comprises most of the kidney stones, so the kumquat represents a natural protection from their creation in the body.

Antioxidants in the berries are fully protecting the kidneys – neutralizes the toxins in the body, breaks down fats and increases the absorption of nutrients.

It improves the health of the cardiovascular system

The phytonutrients hidden in the kumquat help reduce the cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and thus reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

This fruit is a rich source of potassium, credited with normal blood pressure and heart rate.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are also abundantly present in the citrus, and their importance to the health of the cardiovascular system has long been confirmed.

Natural energy for your body

The riboflavin from the kumquat accelerates the metabolism of food – protein, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acid and vitamins.

Thus, the fruit kumquat is a natural source of energy for the body, which can be consumed at any time.

It slows down the aging process

According to numerous studies, antioxidants greatly help in slowing down the aging process. This fruit is effective against wrinkles and freckles, as well as against all inflammatory processes of the skin. Maintains youth and elasticity of the skin.

Because of the high concentration of vitamin A and calcium, regular consumption of this fruit significantly contributes to proper development and strengthening of the bones and teeth.

It also helps in inflammatory processes such as rheumatism, gout and in their natural prevention.

Other medicinal properties of the kumquat:
– Normalizes the work of the digestion and bowel

– Improves the metabolism

– Helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes

– Suppresses arthritis and Rheum

– Stimulates the production of blood

– Stops a stroke and heart attack

– Relieves from allergic reactions

– Keeps the skin, eyes and hair

– Calms and refreshes

– Keeps the health of the nervous system

– Protects against stress and depression

Breeding and keeping

There are several types of kumquat, but the most common are these three types: oval or nagami kumquat (Fortunella margarita), pellets or marumi kumquat (Fortunella japonica) and ovoid or meiva kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia).

Neutral to slightly acidic soil, sunny location protected from wind and regular amount of moisture is the ideal combination for growing this citrus fruit.

They mature in late fall and early winter, and can be kept for months, provided that the temperature does not go below -3 degrees.

The warmer the climate, the fruits gets more delicious and juicy.

When the fruits are picked they can stay at room temperature for 4-5 days and in the refrigerator up to 20 days.

Use in the nutrition

This citrus is great for preparing beverages such as juices, syrups, liqueurs and cocktails. It is irresistible in the form of jam, jelly, jam, compote and ice cream and is a perfect supplement to pies, cakes and fruit salads.

The well known essential oils and various extracts with added kumquat are an ideal assistance for sore throat and various respiratory difficulties.

The attractive fruit are an unrivaled decoration of various sweets and savory dishes.

Recipe – Simple kumquat pudding


60 g creamy cheese optional
50 g cream
250g finely chopped kumquat
Optional sweeteners, honey, sugar, stevia
Icing (optional for decoration)
Mix all ingredients in a blender, garnish with whipped cream, let it cool down and enjoy the delicious and healthy recipe!