Sunday, April 17, 2016

Do You Know How And When To Consume Fruit?

It is thought that fruit should be bought, washed, peeled, cut into pieces and then eaten instead of dessert after a big meal. Very simple principle, but is it right and do we even know how and when to eat fruit?

First and foremost rule that applies to fruit is as follows: should be eaten on an empty stomach, never after a meal!

The fruit is a major detoxifier of the body, which supplies huge amounts of energy, and the slimming process and all other processes. If you eat fruit on an empty stomach, it will immediately pass through the digestive tract, but if eaten after a meal, it will slow down the digestive system.

Drink only freshly squeezed juice from fruit, not juice concentrates or sodas. Immediately deink the squeezed fruit juice, sip by sip, and don’t leave it in the refrigerator!

Cooking any fruit is not recommended, because the heat treatment loses the nutritional properties and destroys the vitamins.

If you have decided on a diet based on fruits, you can apply it up to three days and in combination with fruit – fruit juice. This combination will soon clear the body of toxins, and you will look and feel fresher, and more relaxed.

KIWI: small but powerful fruit rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and E, as well as quite dietary fiber, contains twice as much vitamin C than oranges.

APPLE: Apples contain little vitamin C, but is an excellent antioxidant. It is rich in flavonoids, which actually increases the active operation of vitamin C. Studies have proven that apple reduces the risk of colon cancer as well as heart and stroke.

STRAWBERRIES, RASPEBERRIES and sweet red fruits have the strongest antioxidant powers. Protect the body from cancer, clogging blood vessels and are an excellent fighter against free radicals.

ORANGE: 3-4 fruits daily can protect against colds, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissolve kidney stones and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

CITRON: Only half of this fruit provides the daily needs of vitamin C, a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin A. Provides a feeling of satiety, has few calories and helps in losing excess weight, reduces the level of insulin in the blood and red grapefruit helps in lowering bad cholesterol.

LEMON: Fruits rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and minerals: potassium, copper and iron. The squeezed lemon juice is commonly used, and before you add the lemon in a tea, wait for the tea to cool for a while, because heat will confiscate medicinal properties.

BANANA: This fruit is rich in potassium, has a great dietetic value, vitamins A, B and C. Studies have shown extremely favorably affect on the good mood, so it should be consumed at least once a day.

PEAR: An excellent source of vitamin C. It helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the intestinal tract.

GRAPES: Rich in vitamins A, B and C. Protects the body from free radicals, slows down aging and prevents dementia and degenerative eye diseases.

PEACHES: Rich in vitamins C and B2, carotene and potassium. Reduces high blood pressure, prevents the development of cancer, it is useful for preserving the species and maintain a youthful appearance.

WATERMELON: in fact it is a vegetable, but everyone place it in the category of fruits. It contains 92% water, which makes it great for extinguishing thirst in the hot summer temperatures. Strengthens the immune system and is a key source of lycopene, an antioxidant that fights cancer. An excellent source of vitamin C and potassium.