Saturday, March 5, 2016

You May Experience A Heart Attack Within 30 Days If You Have These Symptoms

Our heart is the center of our body’s performance. It is perhaps the only organ in our body that’s never at rest. Basically, our entire existence revolves around the functionality of our heart. Hence, it is extremely important to take care of our heart to avoid a heart attack or cardiac arrest. However, whether you are a man or a woman, nothing can actually spare you from the problem relating to the heart. But that doesn’t mean you can’t gauge about it because nothing happens all of a sudden. Our body starts giving away signs of health issues that can help us identify a particular health condition. This is applicable for matters of the heart as well.

We should however remember that when it comes to women, the symptoms of identifying an impending attack might differ from that of men. In women, certain symptoms might show up even a month before the heart attack. We have a tendency of ignoring signs of certain diseases due to a sense of denial. It is important to pay heed to these signs and take them seriously so that you can avoid a fatal situation. Remember the saying “prevention is better than cure”? That’s exactly what we are asking you to do. In this article, we will be telling you about some of those symptoms that indicate an impending heart attack. It you see any of the following signs, make sure you contact your doctor at the earliest to prevent a cardiac arrest.

Shortness of breath

This is definitely one of the first and foremost symptoms that indicate towards an about-to-happen heart attack in the nearest future. When it comes to women, the ones who suffer from shortness of breath are at a greater risk of having a heart attack. The logic behind this is the fact that both our respiratory and cardiovascular systems are dependent on each other. This means, if one suffers, the other one shall get adversely affected. If the heart receives lesser quantity of blood, the lungs will eventually run out of oxygen. The result of this kind of a situation leads to heavy breathing, panting and breathlessness.

Weakness in muscles

Pain and weakness in muscles is also another crucial symptom indicating a heart attack. Our muscles start getting weak whenever there is a lack of blood circulation. This is because lack of blood circulation causes lack of oxygen throughout the body. This eventually tires our body as the muscles fail to function properly due to increasing amount of weakness in them.

Cold sweat

This is another sign the one should not neglect come what may. If you are feeling dizzy incessantly for unknown reason and cold sweat keeps pouring over you, then this is an indication of a pre-infarct condition. This sign becomes increasingly prominent if you get up suddenly. This happens mostly because the blood fails to manage to reach the brain on time.

Chest discomfort

Almost all attacks involve from discomfort arising in the center of the chest. This kind of feeling of tightness in the chest lasts for a few minutes and goes away before coming back again. Your chest might get a feeling of uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or fullness. Tightness in the chest generally happens when the coronary artery narrows down. This prevents the normal flow of blood causing a constriction in the chest. With time, this feeling might aggravate and take the shape of a stabbing-like pain.


Among women, inexplicable fatigue can show up weeks before the actual attack. Moreover, feeling tired all the time is a sure shot symptom of heart failure. The best would be not to waste time and go ahead and check it with your doctor.


Heart problems can lead to accumulation of fluids in several body parts. This often leads to swelling in places like your feet, ankles, legs, or abdomen. This often leads to a sudden weight gain and sometimes even a loss of appetite.

Other signs

Now there are other signs too indicating that a heart attack is on the anvil. These symptoms can be like that of nausea, light headedness, or even a sense of impending doom.

If you see any of these symptoms, then you shouldn’t ignore them at all for they might turn out to be life threatening. Without further ado, you must visit your doctor so that you can prevent something worse from happening. Also, a healthy lifestyle is very crucial for the maintenance of your heart. Remember, with proper precautionary measures, even the worst can be avoided.