Monday, March 7, 2016

Natural Remedies Against Cholesterol

Proper nutrition and movement can help in dealing with high cholesterol is that is most risky for cardiovascular disease. Besides the advices of doctors themselves can introduce new changes that will positively affect health.
These are foods that will help to reduce cholesterol.

1. Walnuts

Most nuts, including almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts are excellent for lowering cholesterol, but it is desirable to avoid salt varieties, especially if you have high blood pressure.

According to a study done in the United States, eight to ten nuts daily reduce total cholesterol by 5 percent.

2. Olive Oil

It contains monounsaturated fat that doesn’t reduce cholesterol levels, and also doesn’t increase it. Strengthens the walls of the arteries that means they will be less damaged by the impact of cholesterol. It is desirable every day to use two spoons of olive oil.

3. Yogurt

Numerous studies have shown that yogurt contains an ingredient called sterol that reduces cholesterol from seven to ten percent in just three weeks. For that reason after each meal to consume one glass of yogurt.

4. Soybean

If you replace milk products with processed soy, significantly will reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol. Experts advise for best results is desirable to consume half a liter of soy milk daily.

5.Natural fiber

Plants contain fibers that bind cholesterol to itself, and then thrown through the excrement.

It is useful with every meal to eat bread from whole grains and diet enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables.