High blood pressure and cholesterol are interrelated. They both are results of a compromised cardiovascular and circulatory system in which your blood is not being transported freely throughout your body's arteries, veins and capillaries. Luckily, there are a multitude of herbs available to help with these ailments. A combination of herbs usually results in the best treatment.
Garlic is effective in treating hypertension and lowering LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels. It contains an antioxidant that removes free radicals from your bloodstream, thereby reducing your risks of arteriosclerosis. Its anti-clotting properties inhibit platelet aggregation and decrease the chances of plaque developing on your arterial walls. Garlic can help remove harmful cholesterol from your arterial walls, thereby widening your arteries, according to the Mayo Clinic. These actions result in garlic lowering both your harmful LDL and blood pressure levels. It is recommended you consume 600 to 1,200 milligrams daily of garlic in order to reap the best results. You can use any form of garlic to suit your taste. The fresh variety, powdered form or supplements are available.
Ginger is a natural blood thinner that is known for removing plaque deposits from arterial walls, according to the Mayo Clinic. Its blood-thinning abilities help it to lower blood pressure, according to the Herbal Supplements Guide website. There are a variety of ways you can enjoy ginger. It can be purchased as a supplement, enjoyed as a tea or used in cooking.
The hawthorn plant is a natural remedy that can help your cardiovascular health. One notable action of hawthorn is its ability to widen your coronary arteries by removing harmful cholesterol plaques that have accumulated. Hawthorn can regulate your blood pressure by toning your heart muscle. This widening of your arteries and toning of your heart muscle lead to an improved blood supply to your heart. You can use the berries, leaves and/or flowers, according to the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism (NAIMH). Hawthorn can typically be purchased in powdered form as a nutritional supplement.
Psyllium is known for its artery-cleansing abilities. According to the YgoY.com website, this herb helps remove plaque from your arterial walls, lowers your harmful cholesterol level and increases your blood circulation. Increased blood circulation decreases blood pressure. The Mayo Clinic recommends consuming between 5 to 10 grams daily of psyllium to receive its plaque-removing capabilities. You can purchase psyllium as a nutritional supplement or in seed form. Psyllium is typically added to nutritional cereals and drinks in the marketplace.
Dandelion is a heart-healthy herb. Dandelion is a traditional blood thinner that keeps your blood from becoming sticky, according to NAIMH. This can help your blood flow more freely through your circulatory system. Even though the entire plant is known for its diuretic properties, the leaves contain the highest amount of blood thinner.
Look in the spice section for some turmeric. Turmeric is typically used in curries, and it contains the heart healthy ingredient of curcumin. Curcumin is another herb that has plaque-removing capabilities. According to the Mayo Clinic, curcumin can help increase your blood circulation, lower your harmful cholesterol level and lower your blood pressure level.