Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3 Most Powerful Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth That Works Wonder In Few Days!

When someone smiles at you, the first thing you notice is their sparkling white teeth. But just imagine it if you have yellow teeth. It is just an abomination which does not even bear thinking. So here are some home remedies for yellow teeth for you to read and avail of. The yellow stains on your teeth make your smile look awful and are generally unpleasant. So, read the rest of the article to know the sure shot methods of getting pearly white teeth, without any stains. There are quite a few home based recipes which you can prepare, without any trouble, in order to solve your dental problems.

Orange peel is a great teeth whitener

Having white teeth is a great attribute to your already attractive appearance. Rather, your pleasant smile will create a really good first impression in professional circles. So, the first step to this is to use the natural teeth whiteners to do away with the pesky yellow stains. You must be fond of eating these juicy, succulent orange fruits. Now the next time you eat one, don’t throw away the orange peel. Rather use it for rubbing over your teeth daily, before bedtime. The calcium content and Vitamin C in the orange, which is a citrus fruit, keeps fighting the microorganism, throughout the night. It will show successful results by means of sparkling white teeth if you keep doing it regularly for several weeks.

Strawberries for dental treatment

The strawberries are also rich contents of Vitamin C, which should help to make your teeth pearly white. Let us see how to use these strawberries at home, for removing the yellow stains on your otherwise beautiful teeth. Crush a few of the strawberry fruits into a pulpy content and use the paste to brush your teeth softly. Do it for a few weeks and you will find the ugly yellow tinges  disappearing.  But you should brush your teeth with the strawberry paste two times on a daily basis.

Use straws while drinking cold drinks

Any kind of food, beverages or cold drinks can make your teeth quite yellow. So when you are taking chilled drinks or any soft drinks, it is always feasible for you to use straw as it does not color your teeth. The drink does not reach your teeth at all, while the straw is being used.  As you use the straw, the drink is directed to the back of your mouth, without staining your teeth and making them yellow.

Treatment with baking soda

You may be using a great toothpaste but the yellow stains on your teeth refuse to budget. Here is another one among the home remedies for yellow teeth, which is sure to be a success story in getting you a pearly smile.  Mix a small amount of baking soda with your tooth paste and brush your teeth with the same. However you will need to keep it in your mouth before spitting it out.

After that, wash out your mouth with  cool water with a nice gargle.  Baking soda has whitening properties. However, overuse can lead to loss of dental enamel.


These are just four of the best home remedies for yellow teeth. Having a pearly white smile is every person’s dream and for that, you need to ensure that you have healthy teeth.  Brushing your teeth twice daily and using tooth picks to cleanse out bits of food morsels from between your gums can be of great aid. You can read the internet articles to know more of these remedies.