Thursday, February 25, 2016

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 3 Eggs For A Week!

Eggs are a part of the diet of almost every human being, but regarding their nutritional value, we can freely say that they are not as used as they deserve to be.

Namely, eggs are a miraculous food which can offer impressive health benefits. If you increase the number of eggs you consume regularly, you will significantly boost your health.

Its yolk contains more than 90 percent of its calcium and iron, and the white has almost half the protein. Today, we will reveal some interesting facts regarding eggs that will certainly convince you to eat them regularly.

The best quality protein

One of the vital elements of a healthy diet is protein, as we use it to repair and build old tissues. Hence, eggs provide the best quality protein. Amino acids are its building blocks, but 9 of them are not naturally produced by the human body, and all of them can be consumed through eggs.

Eggs, meat ( fish and poultry as well) and milk proteins are all complete proteins, meaning that they have enough of these essential amino acids. Yet, eggs provide the best protein in quality, with a rating of 100, while milk is rated at 93 and fish and beef at 75. An egg has approximately the same protein content as 30g cooked poultry, fish or meat.

Rich source of iron

In the case of mild iron deficiency, people feel tired, irritable, and suffer from headaches. Iron carries the oxygen in the blood and is an extremely important factor for many body functions, including the energy metabolism and immunity. The yolk contains heme iron, which is the most readily absorbable and usable iron form found in food, whose absorption is much greater that the one of the iron in most supplements.

They do not raise blood cholesterol

As a result of their cholesterol content of 210mg per egg yolk, eggs gained a bad reputation in the 90s, as many studies showed that they lead to coronary heart disease.

However, you need to be aware of the fact that foods that are rich in fat, especially saturated and trans fatty acids, are more dangerous for the heart health than cholesterol found in food. Therefore, the egg is a cheap, easily digestible and rich source of protein.

Nutrient adequacy

Eggs contain numerous nutrients, so they significantly contribute to a healthy diet. Namely, one study included participants who ate and other who did not consume eggs and showed that those who did not eat eggs were more likely to become deficient in vitamins A, E and B12.

Eggs provided 10-20% of folate and 20-30% of vitamins A, E and B12 to participants who ate them. This shows how eggs can be extremely important in ensuring nutrient adequacy.

Promote brain health

Eggs are high in choline, which is a nutrient that promotes the development of the brain in the foetus and newborn, as well as the memory function. An egg a day will supply 28% of the requirement of choline during the pregnancy.

This nutrient is crucial during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for the brain development of the foetus. It is of great importance for a lifelong memory improvement as well. A study showed that in rats, found that the memory function in the aged rat was partly influenced by the food that the mother consumed.

Bone health

Being one of the rare natural vitamin D sources, eggs are extremely beneficial for your bones. Namely, this vitamin is crucial for the absorption of calcium, and for an optimal health of the bones. Eggs are also very helpful in the case of osteoporosis along with dairy products.

Eggs improve performance

Eggs provide a long feeling of fullness, as they have a high satiety index. Namely, a bigger egg provides 6g of high-quality protein and numerous different essential nutrients, except vitamin C. Therefore, if you combine the eggs with a healthy fruit or orange juice and whole wheat/low GI bread you will have the healthiest breakfast possible.

Protect the eye health and prevent cataracts

Eggs are rich lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important antioxidants for the eye health. These nutrients prevent harmful, high-energy wavelengths of light in the eyes and are essential during the entire life cycle.

Cataracts can be prevented or significantly reduced( by 20%) if you regularly consume eggs, broccoli and spinach, as well as age- related lens and retinal degeneration, which is the major reason for the incidence of blindness in older people (up to a 40% reduction).

Healthy nails and hair

Numerous biochemical imbalances and shortages in the body may lead to issues with the hair and nails. On the other hand, eggs can help you restore their health, as they are rich in sulphur-containing amino acids, as well as numerous essential vitamins and minerals.

Many people claim that as soon as they started eating eggs regularly, their hair has started to grow faster, especially if they did not consume foods rich in vitamin A, B12, zinc, or sulphur.

Eggs can help you lose weight

Having a high satiety index, eggs are probably the best breakfast you can have, in order to prevent food cravings during the day, and effectively lose weight.

A study compared two groups of people, and the first ate bagels, cream cheese and yoghurt for breakfast while the rest had two eggs, toast and jam. They all had the same amount of kilojoules, but the ones who ate eggs stayed fuller for longer and lowered the intake of kilojoules by 29%.

One bigger egg has 315kJ, so if combined with fruits or vegetables and whole grains, you can get a cheap, but a complete meal, that will help you lose excess weight.