Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Harmful Effects of Sugar – Why You Shouldn’t Eat It

It is known that sugar is not really a useful ingredient for our body, but we use it anyway. If nothing has convinced you to replace the sugar with natural sweeteners despite knowing what it does to your body, these 11 facts will.

1. Fats accumulate around the organs

Fructose, as part of sugar makes the liver to store fat more efficiently and at odd places. With time it comes to creating fat around it, which causes a liver disease, a disease that was very rare in the eighties of the last century.

2. Prepare for diabetes

Every additional 150 calories obtained through daily sugar intake increase the chance of getting diabetes by 1.1%.

3. Chaos with cholesterol

If you leave aside those with high cholesterol, diabetes and obese people, the people that consume a lot of sugar are having the largest increase of bad cholesterol and dangerous increase of the triglycerides, as well as decrease of the good cholesterol.
4. Bad effect on the heart

Heart disease and diabetes are closely related. Heart and brain stroke are the greatest dangers for those with type 2 diabetes.

5. Blood Pressure

Comes to excessive insulin secretion, which badly affects the circulating system and arteries. Chronically high levels of insulin accelerate the growth of muscle tissues around the blood vessel, thereby causing hardening of the artery walls, which is a step closer to high blood pressure.

6. Causes Type 3 Diabetes
The relationship between insulin resistance, high fat diets and Alzheimer’s disease is marked by the term type 3 diabetes where glucose has a big impact.

7. Your appetite increases

Regular intake of large amounts of sugars interferes with the brains ability to send messages that you are full. Leptin, a hormone that sends signals does not perform its function, while fructose which is entered through sugar causes constant hunger.

8. You become addicted to sugars

Sugar causes the secretion of chemicals that affect the pleasure center of the brain, that is opioid and dopamine secretion. Same as the people that are taking drugs, in this case, tolerance to sugar is gradually developed, and therefore your body requires extra amount.

9. Fatigue

Too much sugar in the body leads to a constant feeling of fatigue. It comes to permanent changes in the level of sugar in the blood, causing the body to constantly require from you to eat something sweet.
10. Depression

There is a connection between depression and sweet. Those who consistently eat something sweet, become prone to depression.

11. The facial skin aging

Sugar in the blood is bound to proteins and forming harmful molecules called AGE, which attack nearby ingredients that include protein and fiber in collagen and elastin, those are the ingredients that make the skin look firm and supple. As a result, it comes to relaxation of the skin and creation of the wrinkles.